Nov 26, 2006 04:11
sorry i haven't updated in a while, i've been so busy lately.
i'm still really fucking sick.
i don't know whats wrong with my body; it's strange.
i'm running on fumes and everything has been pretty horrible lately.
i worked today, because i didn't want to leave karen hanging.
it was the worst day ever; i am absolutely drained.
i really don't know if i'm going in tomorrow. my mom demands that i don't, but i don't like not showing up like that. i dunno, i hope karen understands.
we have a new employee temp guy though and he's cute, haha.
we talked about re-seals.
by the way, RE-SEALING BOX SETS IS THE FUCKING WORST. it took me six times to do one box, but i got the hang of it~
i'm a re-seal master.
there's another girl who's worked there before, quit, and now she's back
and i actually fuckin' know her!
she was a friend of mel, who i went to ADTP with. i met her a long time ago, and now we work together.
fuuuuck i need some muscle relaxants. D: