Pay no attention to the title. I'm just weirdly obsessed to Chuck Norris facts lately and can't stop viewing
this website over and over again. It provides me with daily random LOLs. And I need those LOLs, damnit.
I called Mom earlier today, and talked to Dad too. The clot that blocks the blood flow to Dad's brain is not on major artery, so the brain still gets plenty of blood from other sources. That's why Dad is feeling like usual, but he's only allowed to lie down for this whole week. He's not allowed to sit up, stand up, or doing any activities at all while he's taking medicines to break that clot. He said he's okay, just really really bored. I'm a little relieved to hear that. IDK if I'm being paranoid, but I still can't relax until he's back and doing his things normally again.
To those who commented and gave me support on my last post. Thank you so much, you guys. ILU SO FUCKING MUCH *glomps forever* ♥♥♥♥♥
On the other note, LOL-ing at
this. Nice try, leader-sshi. About a fucking millenium late, maybe, but yeah, better late than never. IDG why people are praising him for it, though. It's his job from the start as the leader of Super Junior. Whatever. Not caring.
THIS!!! That is my current favorite YT video. Kyuhyuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuunnnnn ♥♥♥♥♥ And Ryeowook. OMG, he's so precious with his crack dance. It somehow reminds me of movie!Ryeowook XDDD