Jul 26, 2004 21:53
Well people. Today you get to see the emotional side of me that all of you don't always get to see. I get to cry myself to sleep tonight. Yes me. All I want is to be able to talk to my girlfriend and have a good conversation. We just got back from the beach retreat and we didn't get to have a single good conversation the whole time we were down there. There was no walking on the beautiful beach looking at the awesome ocean carrying on conversation or just laying there talking. And the fact that I'm not gonne get to go with her and her family next weekend....I was hoping to do it while we were at the beach retreat. For me the beach only comes around about once a year. So it'll be about another year before I can share something special like that with her. Then we get back and she calls me b/c she is upset about something. I was happy to listen to her and I'm glad she called me. I got a chance to talk to her for a sec and I think I made her feel better. About the time I'm getting her to calm down. Ding ding ding.....dinner time. She tells me she will call me back after dinner. I was thinking about an hour or an hour and a half or so. So I was thinking "yes i'm gonna get to talk to her when its not that late and hopefully she won't be tired and I can get some of this off my chest and make things a lot better. About two hours rolls around and she hasn't called so i go ahead and call her. She said she was on the internet doing some stuff and said she would call me back. So I waited and she called me about 9:40. We stay on the phone for about 10 minutes and I notice that I don't hear her doing anything in the background and she tells me she is laying down and that she tired and would like to go to bed. Yes I will let you get your sleep. I love you. Hope you have sweet dreams. Goodnight. Bye. I just want to catch her in a time that she isn't tired and shes not too hyper and its just me and her and no time limit. On the phone.....in person.....at this point i don't care. Please pray for me.