Aug 24, 2007 16:55
my head is spinning because it hurts.
A lot more people cared about me leaving at my job than I expected, that was nice!! We had a pizza party. Today I was unfortunatly in the socially awkward mood. I can't figure out how to easily shake that when its there. Like the deep breathing thing ALMOST works but it doesnt.
I can't believe I'm starting a new job! For whatever reason GM loves me. They follow me and want me there. They come out of no where and ask me to work for them. I said that I didn't want to stay in the auto industry but hell with it. They want me, they've got me.
So I'm having a hard time quiting the complaining thing only because I don't see what I say as being a complaint. I thought about this for a while, and after hanging out with a friend that I hadn't seen in a long time, I found myself embarassed after "complaining" once. Then it hit me, the company I keep is to blame for allowing me to have this bad habit. Its a vicious cycle because we are all okay with each others "complaining", but we should try to help each other stop for the sake of interactions with the real world. Man that word is used for a way too broad sense of things.
I'm trying to be more "taciturn" (hey look! I work I learned while studying for the GRE!) and maybe that will help. But I've been trying that for a long time and my progress is way too slowwwww or underlying parts of my personality keep showing up. This is pretty much me, I'm not very good at pretending to be a controlled person.
So yeah, I need more sleep. Thank goodness that I have upcomign flex time.