Today was all about visiting with friends and fishies!
Went to Monterey with
mad_duchess and hubby to visit with
alcapini and
evilviscountess, and for a trip to see the jellies at the aquarium before they close the exhibit (thanks you two!).
We had a visit full of great timing. We showed up and went to the big tank and they were doing a feeding. Later we went to another tank and they were doing a feeding. We went to see the otters and saw otters in buckets and some otter rasslin. Went to the penguins and they were doing a feeding. Went into the store, and they were feeding the otters right across the way. Saw many super cool things.
Then we went for coffee and to see a cool IMAX movie,
Monsters of the Deep, where we got to wear really stylin glasses!
Then to dinner at Hula's, a cool tiki restaurant just up the street. We ate very good food and I watched them drink grande mai-tais. Next time we go there I am not driving so I can have a Dr. Funk!
After much socializing we drove home and now will spend some quality couch time with the doggies.