Oct 25, 2009 13:42
so thursday night about 9:30 I start to feel icky. tummy upset and crampy. not fun. by 10:00 i'm vomiting and it doesnt stop till about 1am.
I stayed home friday and rested, had no energy, spent day on couch and tried to drink lots of water to rehydrate. managed to eat and keep food in so that was good. by friday night 9ish I felt better, so figured food poisoning and that was that.
Then yesterday I felt fine, ate breakfast and lunch with no problems. Then had dinner out and within the hour my tummy was upset again. no more vomiting but food not sitting well.
Today I woke up at 5am, sweating, tummy cramping, back and leg pain (super weird, probably from dehydration). took tums, pepto, etc. finally back to sleep ~6:30 am.
got up 9am, tummy not well. crampy, with many trips to bathroom. no vomiting but very uncomfortable.
stayed home from officers meeting to rest and not infect others. so far, no improvement even with water, emergenC, tums, pepto etc. blech >x(
I will probably visit the doc tomorrow since 2 cases of food poisoning in 3 days is unlikely. its either a bug, or I'm developing some problem (allergies?) with food(s) and I happen to have eaten them in both meals...
so, that's what I've been doing for the last 3 days, what about you?