Nobody is allowed to complain to me about any kind of discomfort EVER AGAIN. Until
YOU have had your ass full of cactus needles, don't EVER complain about
being uncomfortable or uneasy. I spent at least 15-20 minutes
pulling cactus needles out of my ASS today. My friend Mike
(Gilmore) said, "Sure, go ahead, hop in the bed of my truck," so
I hopped in. He forgot, however, that it was full of CACTUS
But aside from that, this weekend was pretty amazing. Thursday
(Yom Kippur), I watched the sunrise after not sleeping. Then I
sat and reflected all morning, fueled by cheap cigars and the Lawrence
Arms. It was infinitely more rewarding than stupid
services. Friday...I didn't do much. I went to lunch with
Sarah and her family, that was actually nice. They totally love
me, too. Saturday we pretended to pay attention to football at
the house and then went offroading, which was amazing. I mean,
don't get me wrong, after a sleepless night, watching the sun rise is
beautiful in it's own way. But watching the sun set with good
friends after a good adventure is better. Today, free brunch and
more offroading. Very nice.
001) Do you have a cell phone? Yes.
002) Do you like boots? F'sho. Big, asskicking boots.
003) Do you have a cat? Nope, but I once tried to convince Brian Levin's cat to come home with me
004) Have you ever gone bungee jumping? Not a big fan of the hights, so no.
005) Do you wear fake pearls? Um, no.
Have you ever shoplifted? Probably
007) Have you ever stole candy from the candy shop? F'sho, all the time
008) Do you live in an apartment? I live in the dorms. It's just like an apartment, but worse.
009) Have you ever stayed up all night? HA. Of course, many times.
010) Do you like little kids? Not generally...
011) Do you take pictures of people's toes?
012) True or false: you have a sister named Mackenzie? True!! What a weird question...
013) Do you like to perform? Oh ho...yes. I'm a caring, giving
lover who loves to cuddle and listen to your feelings and stuff.
Tell all your friends.
014) Have you ever been to Chicago? I wish.... the Lawrence Arms are from Chicago.
015) Does your mom know you have a LiveJournal? I think so...well, maybe not.
016) Does your mom HAVE a LiveJournal? If she does, it's a lot of
complaints about me, I'm sure. "Ryan never calls...Ryan never
picks up the phone...Ryan said I was being dumb...blah blah blah..."
017) Have you ever cut yourself (on purpose)? No, but I did make my knuckle's bleed in a hardcore danceoff. I have a scar.
018) Are you famous in your own little world? No, I'm INFAMOUS.
Have you ever met a celebrity? Yes, yes I have.
020) Do you like Hilary Duff? No, she is lame.
021) Do you like to take pictures of yourself? Nah, I hire professionals, Hot Studs doesn't take unsolicited photos.
022) Why are you taking this survey? Out of my sheer, undying love for surveys.
023) Do you like oversized sunglasses? No. It's REAL, real annoying.
024) Do you like Paris Hilton? Not in the least.
025) Do you play with bubbles? When the opportunity presents itself, yes.
026) Are you a redhead? No...but that'd be rad. I love redheads.
027) How many uncles do you have? 2.
028) What kind of computer do you have? A Toshiba.
029) Are you supersticious? Probably a little.
030) Do you read the dictionary for fun? No, but in 1st grade I was so
far ahead in the reading requirements, that was what they had me
working on by the end of the year. True story.
031) Do you shop at Hollister? Only when I feel like dying very, very slowly.
032) Have you ever worn fishnet tights? Only at a client's request.
033) Have you ever been called a loser? Doubtful. I win. Always.
034) Do you have an iPod? Yes, I caved in. I'm so ashamed.
035) Are you a skater? I longboard, there's a difference.
Do you think spelling "skater boy" like "S8er boi" is cool or weird? If by cool, you mean deserving of slapping, then yes.
037) Do you like Britney Spears? Not particularly.
038) Have you ever had an eating disorder? No. Touchy subject.
039) Have you ever been to Israel? No, but I'm SO going on winter birthright.
040) Do you like to wear polka dots? YES. Yes I do.
Do you and your friends like to hang out at diners? You'd better believe it. All the fucking time.
042) Do you steal sugar packets from restaurants? Only to spite the waiter. I appreciate my subtle victories.
043) Do you speak French? Lo.
044) Are you Jewish? You know it.
045) Are you/were you ever a Girl Scout? I, apparently, don't meet all the requirements.
046) Do you watch SNL? Yes.
047) Do you believe what you read in tabloids? Only if it's outrageously untrue.
048) Are you a pyromaniac? YES.
049) Do you have a fish? I have in the past...
050) Have you ever partied all night? Yes, I absolutely have.
051) Do you want to join the Navy? No, but I do appreciate bell bottoms.
052) Do you eat string cheese by peeling it or just biting it? I absorb it.
053) Do you like cranberry juice? Yes, but not as much as orange juice.
054) Do you want to be a model? Not...really...
055) Do you play the French horn? I play your MOM's french horn.
056) Do you call fries "French fries" or "Freedom fries" or something else? I call them taters. Then I go hunting.
057) Do you like sparkly things? Quite often.
What does your mousepad look like, if you have one?Not applicable.
059) Do you watch Family Guy? Yes. Yes I do.
060) Do you cheerlead? Only in my head, for myself.
061) Do you pop your collar? If I EVER, EVER, do and you see me, kill me on sight.
062) Do you shop at Hot Topic? Not since like... 8th grade...
063) Do you live in a city? Hardly. Tucson is barely even worth putting on a map.
064) Do you read Harry Potter? Yeah, but I haven't gotten around to reading the new one.
065) Are you athletic? Secretly.
066) Do you like chocolate? Aye, matey.
Have you ever lived in Kansas? Hm, no.
068) Do you have satellite TV? No, I don't even have TV.
069) Are you a dancer? Only when nobody's watching.
070) Do you like Doritos? Not really.
071) Do you smoke? Cigars, on occasion.
072) Are you in a band? I wish...
073) Do you wear Bermuda shorts? I...don't know?.
074) Do you work out at the Y? Nah, I prefer the facilities at the Q.
075) Have you ever paid for something in all nickels? It's distinctly possible.
076) Do you like strawberry ice cream? Kind of.
077) Have you ever passed out? Maybe...
078) How many bones have you ever broken? I dunno, however many are involved in breaking my arm, my fingers and my toes.
079) Do you make prank calls? Well...they're not pranks... Lets just say, I should not have the phone on weekends.
Have you ever sent a lot of pizzas to an enemy so they'd have to pay
for them? I've considered it.
081) Do you have a digital camera? No, but I want one.
082) Do you like shopping at Staples? Oh yeah, I love it. I do it in my spare time.
083) Have you ever cut class? Often.
084) Do you shop at Abercrombie? See my answer for the Hollister question.
085) Have you ever shot spitballs when the teacher wasn't looking? No, who brings a straw to class?
086) Have you ever kissed someone just to make your crush jealous? I'm not ususally in a position to do so.
087) Has anyone rejected you when you asked them out? Sort of...
088) Have you ever had a friend tell a crush you liked them? Probably, in like, middle school or something.
089) Do you ski? Yeah, but I haven't been in forever.
090) Are your parents strict? Depends on the subject and/or parent.
091) Do you play lacrosse? No, but I like to watch girl's lacrosse.
092) Have you ever been evicted? Nope. I'm stellar.
093) Have you ever gotten detention for something you didn't do? Didn't detention die out in like, the 50's?
094) Have you and your best friend ever liked the same person? Yeah.
095) Have you ever gotten drunk? HA.
096) Do you have a crush on a celebrity? No...I don't really know any celebrities...
097) Have you ever gotten a haircut that everyone had and then the next day it was "uncool"? Um, no.
098) Have you ever got caught in the undertow at the beach? If I did, I managed to escape.
099) Do you like steak? Yeah, kind of.
100) Did you like this survey?Yeah, I like being bombarded with random questions.