Aug 30, 2004 23:54
Written to random person who had the email address alan wants:
Hey this is probably really random, but i was wondering how attached you are to this address.You see i have this friend, he's a lovely chap really, and he has been putting off creating his gmail address until he had finally found one that fit him. Well you see, one day it hit this strapping young lad, the address that fit him better than all the rest. And believe me, this represents my dear friend in every way. But. alas, as he went to create, he discovered that the name was already taken, and his heart was crushed. So, as i draw to the end of my story I was wondering if you could do this distressed boy one simple wish, and that is, if there is ANY way you could part with this account, that you hand it over to him. You would be doing a wonderful deed, and im sure god will smile upon your heart. I understand if you have 200 contacts that email you every day on here, but if this account is truely going unused, would you consider giving it to my dear friend alan.
Many Thanks