13 years. I'm cured!

Apr 16, 2017 11:36

How my life was turned upside down after getting epilepsy and never had anyone to really talk to about it. Threw me way off corse. Worrying about what people thought of me. When the truth was that nobody actually cared.
The only cure was to stop caring what people thought. And then the out cry of what i started saying and doing. 😇 in the end I quit drinking. This year the had 4half pints on the 24th Feb. And then in the space of 5days in April about 10 or maybe 15 rum and coke in April. People look at me gone out when I say I don't drink. As if I was going to an AA meeting or something haha truth is I found a better drug. And no it's not God or peace ✌ lol it's just good old fashioned government made for experimental purposes hallucinogenics. And ketamine lol. Bad times I know. And yet you'd think it would fuck me up having epilepsy. But no! Since the change of no drinking and more drug taking. (not smoked weed in 9 years). I'm seizure free. Got my provisional license and had my 4th driving lesson now.
It's a mysterious life. Been with Tammy now 37 months. Which OMG! How the fuck did that happen.

I don't think anybody comes on here anymore. But if anybody does then please drop me a comment because would be nice to talk to somebody on the same level, because all I use Facebook for is to make people bite! And share stupid memes to watch peoples stupid reactions from it.
And if anybody is still out there. I hope your life is as strong 💪 as mine feels. X
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