(no subject)

Oct 09, 2006 16:05

This weekend was balls. I reiterate the fact.

However, it meant I went into Uni this morning with a new take on life, I actually listened to thing-meee-bob about cost accounting or some malarky like it.   I understood and took notes and will be doing and handing in (!) the homework for it.  3 % a homework, yus!

Then I went to Management where I am queen because I am the greatest... And made a new american friend.  Only thing about American friends is I cant remember any of their names and it is too rude to ask now so just have to avoid any name calling activities.

So was finished my day at 11:15am.  Then I went to the gym, Noortje had put her stuff in my locker, so I had to move to *shock* 94.  Went to the gym and nearly had a heart attack on the leg thing.  Did about 5 and a half situps.  Did the stair climby thing, watched Laguna Beach (OMG tessa going solo to the winter formal (oh my gawd)) and then went home because I couldnt take it anymore.  Was a long night of Shino grinding her teeth.  Hahaha.

Anyways, went home, showered, put on my flip flops and heading out into the intense heat of October.  I am a little burnt, I read Pride and Prejudice (yes, again) beside the Gunk among the geese for like ten minutes.  Am trying to stave off hunger for my sushi binge I shall be having later.  Or in an hour, who knows.

Now I am in the library "studying".  So I am on bebo and printing off every single thing I can think of for my course work.

HAve a Stats exam at 10am tomorrow morning so best be ready... Stats is fine though and the teacher thinks British people count differently so its all good.

Am still bored but slightly less so than this weekend, I can do work and exams now, yay!!!


Movies I have cried at this week:
Open Season (a cartoon)
Forrest Gump
Seinfeld (I dont know)

Its been emotional haha,


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