I had my colposcopy this morning, closely followed by a LEEP. I had a chat with Mr Potancok beforehand and he explained in a bit more detail about the results, which were CIN3 and apparently severe enough to warrant having the LEEP immediately after the colposcopy, which he carried out himself watched by a trainee.
And there are bits of me that I never thought would see daylight, let alone be shown on a telly. I watched up to the point where the injection went in, after that I decided it was a bit too much information.
So now I am a bit sore, the anaesthetic has worn off. And the anasethetic really made me shaky for a while - it contains adrenaline, so they warned me about my heart racing, which I didn't experience, only the shakiness.
I have to wait six weeks for the results of the biopsy on the excised tissue, if after that time the results are OK then I will be discharged. If not, then I assume there will be further treatment, LEEPs or whatever.
Back at work now. Someone made me laugh a little while ago, and that hurt.
Going to get a takeaway tonight, I think! I deserve it for being a big brave girl.