Feb 19, 2006 23:48
SOOOOOOOOOO DAVID* BABY GOT A VAN! THE SEKSIEST HOTTEST VAN IN THE ENTIRE WORLD. He got it for 5oo$$ and some of the doors and windows don't work, but it has seks lites, the back seat turns into a van, and he holds a catrillion ash trays in there :D TADA...
David makes plans to pick me up. He picks me up. So we called Milica see what she was up too and she was hanging out wif some lame-o friends of hers. You know, the ones that'll probally end up talking shit about her behind her back and then she'll find out and drama galore will go down and then they'll make outmake up. Ah suburban children at their finest<3 BUT ANYWHO so we decide to hit up the city and give a suprise visit to Zachary. We took the nice scenic route which is filled wif asshole drivers, South Shore. Then we found Fullerton and using mai awesome common sense, we took it all the way down to Western. I called Zach being all cool and found out he's at his friend's house. So we sneak down over there, I knock mai head in a light but suprise Zach. Later I got stoned and drove home wif David.
"Do you know yer getting directions from someone who's toasted?"
"Does that scare you? Doesn't it freak you out yer trusting someone who just smoked marijuana?"
".... naaah."
Zach picked me up after he worked. We went to his house and we did stuff that was so unproductive. He drove me home, we had fun in his car, than David calls. It was after turnabout and he wanted to hang, so me and Zach said fairwell(kinda on a bad note~) and David picked me up. We hung went to Milica's and we chilled in her parking lot until David said some scary stuff and Milica and I screamed, held each other, and made David start the car. Silly girls. So we drove around her block until 3:3o and dropped her off. We headed over to Meijer's were we stole pocket fulls of candy, bought lunchables and Shaun of the Dead(<3 <3 <3 Zach and I's favorite movie) and ate in the little eating area where we talked about fucked up friends and little children wif problems. We laughed at everyone. THen he drove me home at 4:3o, he dropped me off at mai house at 5 and he left for his.
Sunday was a laid back day. I got 6 hours of sleep. Woke up, got ready, and took the trainizzle to Zach's. On the train I got freaked out cause all of a sudden the electricity went out and we kinda coasted on the tracks until the train stopped. Then we waited for a half hour, started the train back up, and 5 minutes later it stopped again. Then started back up. We got past 56th street stop and almost got to the McCormich center stop then I saw sparks, which freaked the shit out of me, and next thing I knew, train died again. Then 2o minutes later started up and we reached Randolph pretty safely. In 3 years of riding the Northern Indiana Commuter Transportater District trains, I never once experienced that. Then me and Zach got taco bell and later we got McFlurry's and I just got home. Lalala. PRETTY FUN.
Wonder if this is too much to read?