Mar 31, 2006 15:08
Ok so i've been looking for good jobs since I graduated from College, but to no avail. Today i interviewed with Rams Head Live! in Annapolis. I didn't really tell anyone about it because I was worried I would get my hopes up and not get the position and then be sad. But not this time! I got the job! I will be working in the main office doing office crap to get my foot in the door. My Boss said I won't be in that position long becasue they better ideas for me but that is where you work first in order to move up in their company. Thats fine by me! In the music bussiness you have to get your foot in the door somewhere, and from there its all networking to get better jobs. The owner of the company also went to york College, hows that for its a small world! I get free healthcare, free lunches, and free beer after work. I also can attend any event I want for free... I am super excited. Dan and I are going out to celebrate tonight! oooooh yeah!