so today although i am nervous about a new potential job, i am excited at the same time. The guy that I'm having an interview with loved me on the phone...So today at 5pm, I will be meeting with him and he will decide me fate. Although the job has nothing to do with music, It will give me the boost I need to become independent from my dad. Come on new job!
Also I was looking on-line and found the most perfect dog... she is a chihuahua/dachshund puppy. I want a chi and dans wants a dach. So its perfect. Apparently she is small like a chi but has a long ass body. I think she is adorable. Lets hope all works out! I am a good doggie mommy and dan is a good doggie daddy. We will have a little family!
I am also proud of myself for paying down my credit card. I made another payment this week, so I have paid about 1,000$ on it since January. If i keep this up and split my tax return i will be paid off by july. Not too bad for over 3,500$ of debt. I have learned my credit card lesson to the max. No more spending on it unless it is seriously a life and death emergency...No more shopping because I'm sad. Also no trips to NYC until may. by then it will be paid off and I will have saved some actual money to shop and spend instead of my card. It also helps that Dan has my card for safe keeping. I can't just ask for it back unless he knows why and then most of the time having to go through all of that work forces me to not bother and to move along without it. So if i keep up with my financial goals I will be all debt free by july. Then I can save money like its my job and finally work on my plans to move to NYC... Finally I feel like my life is going somewhere...thank goodness!
Going to the gym with Dan has been wonderful so far. Its hard to get motivated and some nights I just want to stay home and watch tv and snuggle with him, or do other things ;o) I think now that we are both seeing results from our hard work, it will be such a better motivation.
This past weekend was wonderful. I was still getting over being sick, so Saturday I passed out during natalie portman on SNL. Friday was sonar. I had a wonderful time as always and was able to show dan some of my new strip dancing pole moves...hehe. I also had a suprise delivered to my on Saturday morning by my delightful darling. It came in a big pink Victorias Secret box... It is my favorite!
ok enough of an update. I will write more soon!