Mindless Blabbing #14

Dec 30, 2010 01:16

 Hey guys
yeah i havent wrote anything
some times I just feel like I'm talking to myself

well I made a walk through of a game on my youtube channel

I just wanna get a little be well known

at least  I talk to imablueberry (haha so cute) and chuchumasu 
but reita_daily cheers me up

yeahh umm I got awesome christmas presents, if u guys wanna see it i'll put it in my next entry
bethycool is a pretty awesome person <3

oh yeah, yeah im random shhhhhushh
1 I saw the awesome new the gazette pics
kyyaaaaa they are soo hottt
well uruha is still lady gaga of tokyo
and reita is always hot, yummm I love his sexy blond hair and the way his clothes hug his sexy body
*xrated thoughts*

and now ruki's reminding me of a bird, those small ones that are cute
his new hair is like feathers <3

and 2 I did a meme from bethycool
so here

51 questions meme from bethycool

1. What is your middle name?

2. Do you have a crush?
yes *blushes* this awesome guy named Suzuki Akira

3. What are you listening to right now?
Jibun Kakumei - Miyavi

4. Last three digits of your phone number?

5.Last thing you ate?
Polish fish, but this time it wasn’t as good as my moms fish that she makes

6. Last person you hugged?
My sister <3

7. How is the weather right now?
F***ing cold

8. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
My mom <3 <3

9. The first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
Their hair

10. Favourite food?
Fish, sushi, hamburgers, sandwiches, fries etc

11. Do you drink?
Yes, but mainly mixed drinks.... smirnoff power!

12. Do you smoke?
Eww, no

13. Ever get drunk you don’t remember what you did?

14. Hair colour?
Brown, mixed browns

15. Eye colour?

16. Do you wear contacts?
on occasion

17. Favourite holiday?
Christmas, a time for giving <3

18. When is your birthday?
September 24

19. Have you ever cried for no reason?

20. Last movie you watched?

21. Last time you were at work?
I don't have work

22. Last time you were out of state/city?
Going to Toronto doesn’t count so like this summer I went to Australia if that counts

23. Last time you went bowling?
I don’t remember, maybe grade school

24. Something unusual about you?
    1)I can turn my tongue upside down, with out touching it and wiggle it at the same time
    2) I can do a zombie voice and have a whole conversation in that voice
    3) My right wrist can make a loud cracking noise each time and on command
    4) I may have a 6th or 7th sense, but thats a little personal.... cuz I don't wanna scare you guys away
    5)My jaw can sometimes make a cracking noise

25. Favourite breakfast food?
ummm its always my mom’s cooking I love, but hard-boiled eggs (is thats what its called?)

26. Favourite colour?
green or sea green (like a green mixed in with a little bit of blue)

27. What are you afraid of?
    1) deathly afraid of heights
    2) being on an airplane
    3) every type of bug (I can’t be in the same room as them, but ants are cute)
    4) being in deep water (its called Hydrophobia but it also means rabies too so I’m like NO!)

28. If you could take a trip anywhere where would it be?
Vancouver, Japan, Germany, and New York (again)

29. What books are you reading?
Hana Kimi volumes 22 and 23 (I’m trying to finish them)
Ouran High School Host Club volume 14
High School Debut volumes 7 + 8 (I just bought them)

True Blood - All Together Dead book 7 (I just got 8 and 9 KYYAAA)
Shadowland by Alyson Noel (I don’t have the will to read it, it doesn’t lure me in)
the Reckoning by Kelley Armstrong (its the 3rd book and its awesome but I’m too lazy to pick it up)

30. Number of piercings?
ZERO.... I don’t like pain

31. Favourite movie?
English movies:
Either “10 Things I hate about you”, “The Day After Tomorrow”, or “Avatar”

Japanese movies:
I only know of one and its “Moon Child” I love you Hyde <3 <3

32. Favourite basketball team?
No sports for me!

33. What where you doing before you filled this out?
saving pics from The GazettE’s black moral booklet YUMMMM

34. Any pets?
Nope, they are all up in heaven

35. AIM?
Pfft, why do you want it?

36. Butter, Plain or Salted popcorn?
hmmm both Salted and buttered but not too much

37. Favourite flower?
a blue rose and lilies

38. Dogs or cats?
cats, they go meeoowww! :3

39. Have you ever been caught doing something you were supposed to?

40. Are you single or taken?
Why do you want to know?

41. Have you ever loved someone?

42. Who would you like to see right now?
ummm my best friend

43. Are you still friends with your ex or ex’s?

45. Do you like to travel by plane?
Dude I just said I hate plane rides, you don’t listen to me at all

46. Are you left or right handed?

Do you play an instrument?

48. How many pillows do you sleep with?
five I think

49. Are you missing some one?

50. Do you have a tattoo?
Nope but I kinda want one.... but I don’t like painnnnn D:

52. Do you still watch cartoons on Saturday mornings?
yes I know 2 numbers are missing but im just not going to deal with that now

ok well thats all for my mindless blabbing,
yes I know ur sick of me talking/typing
laterz <3

rant, the gazette fan blog meme

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