Mall, Rating, and More Crap!

Jul 26, 2005 16:38 RATED!

Bewitched! Rating Community

Anyhow Prongs, Padfoot, and I (XD hehe, I might start calling you guys that now...) went to the mall today to search for cosplay items for our Marauders cosplay for the new Harry Potter movie. We didn't find anything, but we did get to buy three packs of Yuugiou cards for each person for the price of two that was cool. And we got sushi for lunch. And we went ot Anime Kingdom, where I got a Miroku keychain and a box of Reversed Pocky (which is REALLY fave kind of pocky now). ^^

After dropping Mewithe and Jupiter off at their houses for their soccer camp thingy, I was driven to the fabric store where I bought 1.5 yards of black fabric for a cloakish thing for the cosplay. Yay.

AND MY SUPER-SHINY YGO CARD ROCKS! It's Dark Blade the Dragon Knight and looks fake, but it's not, because I checked it on the internet. It's an Ultra Rare for people buying the Rise of Destiny packs, but a plain old Rare for the repeat packs. :P Sorry, Jupiter.

rating, harry potter, cosplay, anime, yuugiou

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