Jun 13, 2007 23:57
The world will never stop for you, or anybody, no matter how bad your day was. Let things be. Roll with the punches. If someone doesn't answer a phone call, it's because whatever they are doing is worth more to them than the person who is calling.
I got to thinking tonight, idk why. i never really get in those weird emo moods i used to get into all the time that made me wanna remenisce, and look up lyrics to explain my life, and use them with art, and eventually cry. i get halfway there...but never really get into it, and its weird, but i dont think in any way really bad. that just means maybe i'm more mature and more emotionally stable i hope.
I graduated last night. it really feels weird saying that. speaking of emotionally stable, i only really got choked up once, and that was during our senior class president's speech when she talked about all the fun times we had had this past year. other than that i didnt shed a tear. the kid i sat next to was an absolute savior for me. first off, we walked into the gym in pairs, and i think we might have been the only two people that walked in hand in hand. i'm not even good friends with him, but us holding hands on the way in, and it just being something that we both found appropriate, really makes me happy. its the little things, ya kno? not to mention the kid had something to say about every person that walked across the stage, and not in an annoying way at all, but 100% sarcastic and completely hilarious. oh, and hey, i cried more at last years graduation.
summer is officially in full boar, and last night was the kick off. great weather, great people, great drinks. thats all there was to it. except there had to be drama which i took with a grain of salt since i wasnt involved, and moved on.
i really hope that this graduation thing brings a maturity about my school friends. people need to understand that shit is gonna happen, shit will happen, especially when ur drunk, and you need to take responsibility. last night some girl who was drunk as fuq that has a bf kissed another guy who's gf was right there, and encouraging it. the bf finds out and the drunk girl freaked out and cried for literally 3 hours. no joke, sobbing. she stopped once or twice, but only to puke and start again. everyone of course pointed fingers and said it was everyone else's fault but their own. i dont wanna deal with that all summer. to be honest, grow up, grow some balls, and take reponsibility. if u cant handle ur alcohol, dont drink, and if u dont want that shit to happen, dont put urself in that position in the first place. its that simple.
bahhhh wtf tho. i'm so care free. i dont wanna be brought down by this drama. i was good n drunk before i sat in a bathroom with a bawling drunk girl for 45 minutes trying to get her to calm down. i'm gonna do what i want when i want and with who i want, and if something bad happens dont feel bad for me by any means, kick me in the ass and tell me i'm an idiot. i'll figure it out, i'll take responsibility, and i'll deal with the consequences because thats just what you do so that things dont get blown out of proportion. man up...just man the fuck up.
such a long entry, but i really just needed to get some things off my chest. and to be honest, i feel a lot better!