Mar 16, 2005 06:43
So yea every thing is good and no I dont have a kid already. I love you Shana and I am happy we are happy. Happy a word so easy to say but when u feel it its bliss. The last time I posted I didnt know if I was going to be single or still with Shana but now I know I am with Shana and it looks like I will be for a vary vary long time. I do want us to have a kid. Now or later is up to you I am cool with both. I love the idea of us having a kid I love kids and am good with them so I think I will be a good dad and I know Shana will be a good mommy. Well I have not sleep at all I mean not a wink up all night and it sucks I have had things on my mind that are stupid yet at the same time important. I am changing for the better and for Shana so Shana when you call I want you to have a list of ways I need to change will i am going I have to stop thinking before it kills me shana I love you everyone I am out bye bye