Apr 19, 2005 09:47
Well im out sittin at my dads hotel, ive got a orthodontist apointment @ 10:30 I think so im going to b leaving for it in about 15 minz or so but I had some time to waste so I figured i'd update this thing...I woke up this morning and my knee was killin me from yesturday and i didnt sleep in a brace so i woke up and bent my knee(completely forgot it was hurt) and almost wanted to cry... man I cant get over the fact that i hurt my self, a week and a half before are track confrence and regioinals! and i'm depressed cause I didnt get to go to 2nd hour today (only certain ppl kno why) But i dunno 2nd hour always puts my day at a good start. I'm going to be at skool around lunch cause i have to take the E.O.I. Test (End of Instruction Test) for Algebra 1 so that will b lotz of fun (NOT) *I'm starting to go numb again with all feelings...I cant say that I like to be numb but o-well) well I guess im gonna go now...Leave me some love in my comments...i could use it about now...