May 19, 2005 19:42
ii try nd h0ld my head up HiiGH
but iitZ hard y0u kn0 ..............
t0 watch y0ur day driift 0n by ~
iit started out as a c/r/u/s/h
but that wazn`t enough
ii had falliin in l0ve
bUt `n0w` ii kno l0ve is t0ugh
Dear Heart,
ii thiink i`m in l0ve
ever n0tiice L0VELiFE haz tha same am0unt of letterz as MiSTAKES
l0ve iz liike a raiinb0w.:.nEveR enDiing
ii onLy wiish..
that WE couLd w0rk
after i mEt y0u,
| my wh0le w0rld
th0se m0mentZ we spent t0getheRrr
will alwayZ be iin my heart < / 3
the friiendz we made of eachother
that waz a go0d start ___________
but n0w that itz been a /w/h/i/l/e
i`ve fallen f0r y0u,
i`d liike to say M E A N W H ii L E
cuZ i have been in l-o-v-e with my b0o
SaME oLd st0riie..she bEc0meZ h e a r t b r 0 k e n