I'm moving.
Parents put a loan on a house already...
yeah its a nice house.. its real nice...
...in Illinois..
this is so gay...
I'm like already missing all my friends..
and Steffie.. your mom is so effing nice for saying.. i could live with you for however long..
once again.. my dad = big time GAY FAG.. i hate him SO much.. he wants to move.. we think about it... hey guess what? were moving cause my dad said so!...Heyyy! Steffie's rentals say.. eXtina can come live with us for 83784234 days.. my ma says yeah!!! my dad? .......
NO your not!
ughhh!! i hate him! like with the biggest passion ever!!
w/e... i'm living with Pablo.. or i'll become a bum and live on the streets.. as long as i get to stay here for a lil longer..and have coke..
:' ( well... today was THE BEST untill my mom came to get me and told me everything they saw while up there...
I bursted into tears.. i was like so upset... then my grandma had to ruin my day even more.. she said i can't live with her because i'm getting older now and i want to have all my friends over and idk.. w/e.. its just so lame... i'm not gonna freakin have a keg party at her house.. i mean wtf? i'm not allowed to have friends over if i live with her?... pfft... w/e..they can all just SHOVE IT.
Tomorrow is going to suck ass... .. i'm not even in the mood for diet coke : / but i drink it anyways.. duh. <3
mmk...i'm gonna go.. later..
i have a spork..
true nerds..
gotta love those shades...
ninja turtles!!!! <33333
Moniter coke-cola lizard!!!!!
doug * h * nuts!
thats all.. i think.. update the rest later...
byyeeee *