Oct 29, 2005 12:38
I sign on aim and look who shows up!!!
animallover72491: what the fuck do u want, bitch?
The Evil Conster: xD!
animallover72491: ur so fuckin retarded
The Evil Conster: Looking at you yes it does make me retarded
animallover72491: u never even saw me so that makes a hell of alot of sence
The Evil Conster: So im guessing you used other chicks pictures to hide ur ugliness?
animallover72491: this isnt chelsea u fuckincunt
animallover72491: why the fuck do u think i been laughin?
The Evil Conster: Because you are looking in a mirror?
The Evil Conster: I dont know was I right?
animallover72491: but chelsea, has been messin wit u for so many years, she has always hated you, and im her best friend we both messed wit u together but im tellin u this cuz i thinbk she has ben ooin it for 2 long
animallover72491: but its sooooo funny that we havnt stopped
animallover72491: so ya, she probably wont mess wit u any more cuz i told her not to
The Evil Conster: Sure. You're pathetic.
animallover72491: she just thinks its so funny how u think yu 2 were close like sisters
animallover72491: we got a hell of alot of fun out of t
animallover72491: we arent pathetic u are
The Evil Conster: I never thought that. She was the one who braught it up
animallover72491: my name is michelle u dont kno me but have talked 2 me soooo many times
The Evil Conster: Ooooh I'm so sad!
animallover72491: brought is the right word
The Evil Conster: And yeah this isnt Connie
The Evil Conster: So we are even
animallover72491: accually, i was talkin 2 u the day sisters was mentioned
animallover72491: u had it on ur profile
animallover72491: "chelsea-love ya like a sis, cant wait to go to africa"
The Evil Conster: (^)
animallover72491: i had to call chelsea i nto show her it was sooo funny
animallover72491: i think she almsot stopped breathin she was laughin soo hard
The Evil Conster: Connies boyfriend says you are a flake
animallover72491: thats nice
The Evil Conster: Atleast she has one
animallover72491: her boyfriend is the girl that suppousily rapped her
animallover72491: that was soo funny
animallover72491: she said a girl rapped her
animallover72491: hahahaha
animallover72491: wtf wud want her?
The Evil Conster: Someone not wanting you
animallover72491: she was all shhdont tell, so ofcourse we psoted it on our website
animallover72491: we messed wit sop mnay ppl then put the convos on our site
animallover72491: lmao
animallover72491: then we tell them the last day we talk to them
animallover72491: which is today wit u
The Evil Conster: Like that effects connie
The Evil Conster: you dumbass
animallover72491: viewers r gettin tired of u
animallover72491: so its time 2 end it wit uy
The Evil Conster: Alot of her veiwers are too
animallover72491: so ya, bye.
The Evil Conster: See yah fucker
animallover72491: animallover72491 is no longer signed on.