Jun 04, 2006 17:32
so theres this awesome boy. tuesday is our one month anniversary. havent been together taht long yet, but theres this special connection between us. and like we were talking about how long distance relationships (which is what we have) can sometimes be better than a regular relationship. because seeing each other every day or close to it can sometimes get boring. i'm not saying it does, but its possible, whereas a long distance relation ship you dont get to see each other nearly as often. he and i see each other maybe twive a week. so yahh. but i wrote this. and i am thinking of giving it to him on tuesdayy.
Sitting here
Trying to explain
This crazy way I feel
It’s too soon for love
Is what some would say
That scary 4 letter word
But that’s the only way.
You see when I
First talked to you
Our first real conversation
We were simply learning
Just getting to know the other
A friend of a friend
That’s how we met.
The more we talked
The harder I fell
For you that is
A schoolgirl crush
Is what I felt.
I looked forward to
The evenings
When we talked.
I didn’t mind
Losing an hour of
Sleep to talk more.
I was joking sort or
When I first suggested
That we meet
At my skating show.
You obviously thought
I was serious but
I’m glad you showed up.
Barely knowing each other
And you took that leap
For some odd reason
You drove the 1 ½ hours
Just to meet me
At my show
And hopefully hang out.
It was fun but
The entire time
All I wanted was
To touch your arm
Or hold your hand.
And there was this
Attraction to you
I felt it strongly
Maybe you did too?
We talked every night
But didn’t meet again
Until 2 weeks later
And that was long
Enough to wait
I missed you a lot
This feeling of
Butterflies in
My stomach was
Overwhelming me.
I could go on and on
For ever you see
But it wouldn’t
Do anything more and
I think you get
My point by now.
One more thing
We talked recently
Of long distance.
How one can get
Bored seeing the
Other everyday
Or at least more
Than the 2 or 3
Times a week
That we see each other.
I don’t want this
To go that route
And would it
Scare you if I said
I love you?
© 6/1/06 ♥