(no subject)

Nov 13, 2005 01:32

ok so i was reading this months copy of thrasher at work today and i relized that rollerbladers are real dipshits! not all of them just the ones that can't take a fucking joke. in just about every thrasher they have a section where they find a picture and make fun of it. they write little comments on the page and make fun of it. well a couple months back they had a picture of some rollerblader doing a handrail and they made fun of it. so this months issuse comes around and i read the letters that the readers send in and all but one of them are hate mail from rollarbladers can't take a fucking joke. and the sad thing is that the worst thing that thay said was comparing the guy to fred drust. i mean come on you can't let shit like that get to you. if anything skateboarders should be pissed of that thrasher even printed his name, hell he was on the cover of fucking ccs. but anyways that just really pissed me off that rollerbalders still feel the need to defend them selves like that, went to school with a kid that everyday he would try and tell me that rollerblading was just as hard if not harder then skateboarding, WHO THE FUCK CARES!!! i think rollerbladers in general just need to get off there fucking high horse and shut the fuck up!!

ohh and by the way this isn't for every rollerblader.
just the fruitbooters!
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