Aug 06, 2005 11:09
well for some reason I have been missing my family so much.. I 4 years since Dad died.. 4 years since uncle Hugh died.. 1 year since Grandad died... 14 year since my Popa died .. 16 years since my Moma died... 8 years since Marc (my best friend) died.. 3 years since I lost my mom as my mom.. 1 year since I lost my husband and 5 years since I lost a baby (Paiton).. I wish sometimes I can turn back time.. I wish sometimes I can feel the happiness I had before....I have made mistakes in my life.. but I never regret anything.. life goes ways that we can not change..
I miss Richards family.. I wish they understood.. I miss his mom most..she was my confidant for so long.. 8 years really.. its her birthday this week and its killing me.. I wish I could turn back time sometimes but I don't want to loose the friends I have gained and the strength I have developed.
why is it that I can't stop crying? Why is it that I miss so many and have lost so much and I still try and make EVERYONE around me happy?but times I try and it backfires..and they send me nasty emails.. or make phone calls that are rude and childish..
Am I happy I was asked yesterday??Yes...
Why do I cry? cause I feel something missing... maybe its my family that I have lost since I have grown.. maybe its just that time for me to reflect on the past...
I need to bring the kids to their fathers.. he asked me if he could have them today... people are yelling at me saying that when I ask him he says"it's not my time..." or " I need my time too Karrie" but you know what?? he IS their father and I will NOT deny him his childrean.. Maybe one day he will realize that.maybe he already does.. I hope so... I miss his friendship.. Oh well maybe onday Laura won't see me as a threat and accept that I will be in his life for the rest of his life and mine..
Anyway Off to get them ready to go...
Later Gators!