Sep 30, 2004 00:27
ok so i wuz on the internet 2night an this girl bethany ims me (shes realy sweet :D) and we had some talk. i have some serous apologizin 2 do.
1.) im sry for hatin ne1. i dont hate u. i realy dont. i dont hate frenchies (i just dislike them) i dont hate arabs i dont hate negros i dont hate asian ppl. i wuz wrong to say that. i just strongly disliek some of thos ppl.
2.) im sry for bein mean 2 ne1. i dont mean 2 sound mean but its my lj is it ur lj no it isnt its mine an this is a place 4 my opinions if it was ur lj it would be called "ur lj" but it isnt its called "crystals lj" b/c its mine not urs.
3.) me an beth were talkin about teh bible 2night and she pointed sumthin out 2 me - we ned 2 read it more often. so i read in the bible 2night some verses taht should help me w/ my points
first there was this place in john and it said "REPENT FOR THE KINGDOM OF JESUS IS AT HAND". thats realy wat im tryin 2 say. i dont hate u guys i just want 2 u repent b/c jesus is coming soon an if u dont believe in him ull go 2 hell. my friend mike has this sayin - earth is liek hell an we all have 2 spend time here an christians get 2 go 2 heaven but sinners stay here 4EVER!! U MUST REPENT OR U WILL SPEND FOREVER IN HELL. i say mean things b/c sum1 has 2 say them or every1 will go 2 hell! do u think jesus or corrie ten bom or billy graham said 'oh excuse me but if u dont mind id liek 2 say that u might be wrong?' NO!! he said and i quote "YOU SNAKES!!!" he let them have it b/c he loved them!!!
do u think jesus would support killin an evil dictator? ofc he would! do the french? NO! this is just basics math ppl! the french ppl arent doin wat jesus would do so they arent bein christians. thats y they nevr win wars b/c jesus isnt on there side!! i would rathr stand alone an be w/ jesus than have 2 join teh world and conform.
neways its late an i need my beauty rest.