So it's been since december that I've posted a real entry. I don't know why but I felt like posting something now even though I should be getting in the shower and getting to bed.
First of all HAPPY EASTER to everyone that celebrates it.
Um... So this semestor I got myself involved in too much. Hence my grades are showing it. I just figured out I need to average all Bs to keep my GPA where I need it for JMC classes. So I guess the pressure is on! I told myself today, no more going out on week nights!
Last week we put together Fusion. It was fun and we're basicly ready to send it off to the printer. Lots of good stories, art and design! I was the art director this semester so it was a good experience for me but I'm kind of glad it's almost over, one less thing to wory about.
A couple weeks ago I put some of my out of class work online Sean and I are still seperated but we've been hanging out alot as friends. If things go good we'll probably get back together sometime. Right now its probably best we both stay single. I still have very strong feelings for him though.
Last entry was when I got my RSX. I still love it! Its so much fun and I'm learning to drive it in manual (it's automatic with 'sport shift' so you can do both kinda).
Tomorrow is my busy day. 0955 class, 1100 scheduling JMC classes, 1115 work, 1315 class, 1425 work, 1700 stater till deadline (0000).
Well i should get going. More random thoughts to come!