Jul 05, 2006 08:41
Growing up I was hand fed privileges and I am extremely grateful for this. Religion was never among these gifts. Some could say how unlucky I am b/c of this. But wait a minute now, I was lucky to learn the power of love without religion. My mother did her best, despite the interference of my father [the head of the family], to teach her three girls the love of family and the respect that every person, thing and creature should have b/c we are sharing this world with them. Point blank, does there need to be another reason? Are we that selfish that we cant handle or accept that the sun does not revolved around us?
The more I am exposed to Christianity or organized religions that forced feed their ideals down your throat, I am completely appalled and turn away.
As a young and innocent girl, I cherished and loved all things and most people. I know I was sexually abused but I could forgive without questioning. This may be b/c the trama was not as deep as it could have been. My brain won’t let me remember everything and I can’t say I have fully recovered, but I have moved on.
In my pre-high school years, I was known as “Captain Planet” but at heart was extremely disturbed by the way people treated their family and earth. I was losing innocence, if you will. My connection and respect with Mother Nature definitely was owed to my mother.
Because of my openness to love and share, I started searching for others like myself. I went online and search other religions that I could deeply connect with. I had no deep connection with Christianity, although, I thought about becoming a nun and serving others…this would have been the right thing to do, but I would have been untrue to my true being-purpose.
While searching I found Paganism and Wicca and Kundalini and Tantrik Yoga. I’ve dabbled with a few of each religion’s concepts. Nothing has made me more aware of myself and the different people/worlds around me as much as YOGA has. I meditate and I am one with my creator. I mediate and clarity and peace are within me. I practice and I become a better person, and to me, this is what organized religion lacks. I’ve seen it happen, but more than too much have I seen religious groups force feed their beliefs and pound into people the results of not believing.
I am still on this journey to find the beliefs I can incorporate into my life. The key for me is to respect space and living creatures, and allow for healing, love, laughter and learning. Time is abstract, but we all are given a time limit.
NOTE TO SELF AND READER: Care for what you are given.