Aug 24, 2004 14:57
lets see watch the olympics 400m race nd us won 1,2,3 fininsh so im so happy cuz tha then i woke up round 1130 nd took shower nd got out nd got a call from my old boss askin me if i wanna come bak to work for him again after my boring summer i figured sure y the hell not some cash in my life now ill be able to pay for shit tha i wann and cant normally finance myself like a snowboard a bass and a car eventually nd maybe a new cell phone cuz i hate mine ne way i called my mom shortly after tha to telle i was up nd she works where i use to so i figure its her doin nd she told me to try nd go out nd get fresh air i was think yea ryt me out side in hot weather iwell then i wen online nd every one was away so i got board nd decided to go for a bike ride around the lake took me 30-40 min nd came bak nd wen online nd shane told me i should of stoped by her house cuz shes like me we do nutin everyday:) so now i can go chill wit her weni get board fun fun