Life Meanings: To Serve

May 25, 2011 21:37

To help others is our reason to be here, our duty. It is in the nature of human beings. If we can all help our neighbor no one would be with out help. Peace can only come from compassion, compassion is a tool of love. Selflessness is a perception one attains usually from being able to sense the connection within all things. The best way out of sorrow is to serve.
The word Samurai literally means to serve. Great warriors, poets, and philosophers, saw it as there duty in life to serve. To give up there life with no hesitation, for this belief. But what does that really mean?
I believe the best way to serve others is to first help yourself. There is no help like self-help. Samurai saw it as their duty to serve but yet they spent most of their time practicing martial arts and other ways of being able to expand themselves from the inside out . Many hours of the day were spent in this personal growth and training. And then they returned the gift of life by being able to provide help and enrichment in the lives of others when the opportunity arose.
To hold the self to it's own highest of standards is the best vehicle towards this life long mission. It is your life and no one should fight for it harder then yourself. Learn to carve your path rather then just ride along. Being independent gives you the power to be selfless. It gives you choices when there appears to be none, strength in times of weakness, gratitude in every breath. If one wishes to love then first let it begin in his own heart. It is like viewing your heart as a seed, and once love for oneself grows in it, it may spread and blossom into the outside world. Know thyself, love thyself.

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