So im not full hearted a newage person or anyhting..

Dec 21, 2004 01:41

I dont relay follow wiccan/pagan religion and such, but i love to meditate, to dream and so forth before i sleep, and to help with the meditation (and hey, because it just looked so cool!!) I bought a hand carved single piece 'Jet' Dagger to ''focus'' my meditation with.

For those who don't know jet is IIRC the sage of coal just before diamonds, and rather then what you may be thinking, it feels and seems more like a black plastic, or a very cheep obsidian, but thats just a FYI.

Anyway, all is fine for quite a while after i get this dagger, then one-day out of the blue i pick it up and it feels different. As i layed down to meditate, i slipped into the mediation stright away. It usually it takes 2-4 mins for me. That i though was cool, but something else was different, rather then holding the dagger, i felt the need to grip it, as in relay tight, like i would a weapon. I also kept thinking of drawing it across my skin rather hard, hard enough to draw blood, sometimes even stabbing my self.

Really, really weird thoughts for me, the dagger its self is blunter then a butter knife, and about 9" long, this went on for about 2 months. I didn't think much about it, till i got a message in my mediation to ask a friend about the dagger in general, so on solstice night, said friend was having a hand fasting, so I bought the dagger and asked her what she though of it.

Now until this point, i hadn't said 'boo' about this to anyone, all i did was pass the dagger to her and i said "what can you tell me about this". Her response

"Its not charged, its very low on energy" yup, lazy me hadn't ''charged'' it much.

"Its been bloodied." And indeed it had been, a few weeks earlier id had some rather large pimples, which i scratched open one night in bed. Lo,, i got a few cc's of blood on me and my bed, and my hands and the dagger (not visible or detectable that night weeks later for sure)

"It wants to be griped relay tight, and it wants to be feed more blood"

Then she passed it to a friend of hers that night who hadn't been in ear shoot, who said the exact same things..

Now, im not exaggerating how she told me this, it wasn't like you see on TV with those relay bad physics, she didn't sit there and go "ok, im feeling something with this.. that its in a good?? .. .. no wait a bad way.. There is a energy that's blue?? Black?? Green?? Umm err white??"

She and her friend just picked it up and said the same 4 things, it was low on energy, it felt like it wanted to be gripped, it had been bloodied and it wanted more.

Spooky, ive now got instructions on ''cleansing'' the dagger, and how to feed it and clean it again if that doesn't work, could take 1-6 months..
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