Jul 18, 2011 23:50
- 04:19 Really looking forward to WWE RAW tonight. Can't wait to see what happens next in this whole thing with CM Punk. #
- 07:09 I sometimes wish you could make the caps lock button do other more useful things. #
- 09:05 @ BrillWolf Congratulations *opens a bottle of champagne and showers you in it* #
- 10:03 Daily walk time. Still looks like the weather is pretty nice for summer for this area. #
- 10:33 Stupid geese, keep leaving land mines on my walking path *shakes fist* #
- 10:42 @ SerithV Well we got hockey and maple syrup from you guys up there, so I guess it's not all bad. #
- 11:40 Lunch time = PB&J time today #
- 12:07 Watching videos of Uncle Kage telling furries how to talk to the public about the fandom. Amazing stuff here. #
- 14:16 After seeing that video I really do want to get that deluxe edition of Catherine now. If only for those boxers and that t-shirt. #
- 14:30 Wouldn't it be interesting if you could break the fourth wall into something and tell the main characters what they need to know? #
- 15:00 Time to head home. Going to miss the grandparents now that they're back in South Carolina. #
- 16:52 Came home to see we still had a cherry turnover. Well not anymore :3 #
- 18:27 Sherlock Holmes vs Jack the Ripper seems to have glitched in such a way it's unwinnable now It was kind of a boring game anyway to be honest #
- 19:27 #MusicMonday love for today goes to E.T. by Katy Perry, just the solo version! #
- 20:01 Mom and dad have been playing SWV & Salt n Peppa on the stereo. Excited to see them live while they're up at Foxwoods in CT next week. #
- 21:12 Tweet tweet, time to sleep. #
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