Why do folks want to get into my car?

Dec 14, 2007 09:00

(back dating to last week since I should have posted this then)

So I get back to my car at the train station Thursday night, hit my remote, and at the same time I notice a pile of things behind the car hear the "chirp chirp" that means someone set off the alarm. Then I look at the car an notice something missing -- mainly the driver's side window.

Yes, again someone decided to break into my car at the train station. This time they didn't get the stereo, I took the face plate with me so they left it alone. Apparently they saw the Borders bag on the back seat and decided it must be something good. So I hope they are enjoying the APress Python book as much as I enjoyed paying $230 to have the window replaced. They also snagged my bluetooth GPS receiver, it was in the center console storage, so if they ever figure out what it is I'm sure they will have fun with it too. And they can do their laundry now with the $1.50 in quarters that they took as well.

I just don't get it. It's a Saturn! Not like it's the car to steal (which is probably why they just break in and leave it there).

Oh, the pile behind the car wasn't mine, it looks like they hit multiple cars on Thursday. I don't keep D&D books and dice in my car. While the sheriff was there taking my report one other woman pulled up who was missing a stereo, so it looks like they got at least three cars this time.

Hey Caltrain -- how about some security in the parking lot?
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