Jan 25, 2010 22:57
NEWS: Hubby got a job offer today. The job is in suburban Chicago (high temp tomorrow: 18 degrees F, mix clouds/snow.) I live in Duluth, GA (high temp tomorrow: 50 and mostly sunny.)
No offense to the good citizens of Illinois, I want to move like not. at. all. Even though I have spent good times in Chicgo land, often over the years, my whole LIFE is here.
Believe it or not, however, I am making a strong effort to be grateful for the lifting of the grim spectre of foreclosure, the seriously swift deterioration of household finances, the end of 15 MONTHS of this problem, etc.
But universe, srsly?
On other hand, YES--completely-YES I know my situation, not so terrible. Poor sjshipper, having to move from one affluent, safe, American suburb to another one, what with the clean drinking water and the long list of inalienable rights.
oh, *wails* but, but, babyboy will miss his grandmom and Pop (who live less than an hour from our house), and will also not remember his first 3 years in his Southern place of birth.
OMG no pity parties, right?