Oh, yeah...I marked out HUGE!

Nov 18, 2005 15:33

So, the week's been busybusybusy. That's what happens when you take 2 days off from work to get better from some Bad Karma head cold. So...anyway, catching up Wednesday and Thursday just about kicked my brown ass. Got home kind of late yesterday, which sucked cos it took time away from gingham and I spending some time together. Even if it was watching recorded shows from earlier in the week. S'ok...cos, while we finally sat down to have dinner and watch TV...when....lo and BEHOLD! I hear the sounds of brass horns playing a soft melody that eventually turns into an epic fanfare. As soon as I hear the first sound...I KNEW! I unconsciously inched forward on the sofa and my eyes lit up and this little kid grin got plastered on my face. Then I saw the small mailbox that has "KENT" scrawled on the side of it. Oh, I screamed! Fan boy MARKED OUT! Superman 2006!!! The Man of Tomorrow, The Man of Steel, The Last Son of Krypton! SUPERMAN!!! Then I heard the voiceover from Joe-El, who sounded freakin' awesome...like a cross between Robert Stack and JACK FUCKING PALANCE, but, I think it might be Anthony Hopkins! At least to my warped mind, it did. So, gingham's looking at me like I've grown a 3rd head and thinking, "Good lord...I'm in love with a dork." HAH! Don't CARE! And...tonight...when we go watch Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire and we SEE the preview on the BIG SCREEN...I'M GONNA MARK OUT ALL OVER AGAIN! Wooo! SUPERMAN RETURNS 2006!!!
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