So, I have a few things to take care of (one of them being, ME) I decided to take a nap instead of gettings these things accomplished. Heh...I'm still procrastinating by posting instead of showering and getting myself ready and making sure I have everything I need for tonight. Graduation gifts for our pal Matt's graduation party, CHECK! Mother's Day gift for
gingham's mom, CHECK! Ro-ad music (I'll get in trouble for this one, tee-hee), CHECK! Change of clothes (just in case), CHECK! I still need to find the clothes I'm wearing for the party. I saw them yesterday...but, I can't remember where. I can't find that extra bottle of Crown Royal I have stashed in the house and I NEED IT! I still need to take a shower and try not to slip and fall as is prone to happen anytime I bathe when I've JUST woken up. Awright, you randy nymphos...I'm gone.