Challenge 4: Crossovers Challenge!

Aug 26, 2012 21:35

HELLLO!!!! Sorry I'm late! >> (bad Appa!)

This week's challenge is (drum roll please):

Crossovers Challenge!

For this challenge the idea is to take the members of Super Junior and 'crossover' them into another fandom. Basically making them the main characters in some other huge fandom, like Avengers, Sherlock, Game of Thrones, Merlin, Harry Potter, Supernatural, Grey's Anatomy, Glee, ... Daria... Final Fantasy? Anything!
A good example of this was done here and here by my Amb-shus emo_what97.

If you have any questions, you can leave a comment here (Comments will be screened) or just PM me at rudeminnesotan or on Twitter.


So as usual, pairings are up for you to decide.

The word limit is still 500 - 750 words.

When you send the fic in, please put in the any neccesary warnings if required.

PM me your entries with your warnings, title, the fandom you're using and pairing before Friday, August 31st, 11:59pm CST. With reason, I will accept until September 1st, 8:00am CST (if only because I'm posting late too, since I didn't realize it was my challenge this week. >> )

Sound good? Good.

mods, challenge 4, round 4: week 1

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