Results - Challenge 6

Oct 03, 2012 22:34

God, this is extremely late and I had totally forgotten the mod for this is on hiatus so I'm going to be posting this for her. I am sorry :<

There are 2 first place winners and 1 second place winner.


First place winners:

Entry #2 by poxyjewelfish

Pairings: Kyuhyun/Donghae, Kyuhyun/Ryeowook
Warnings: Implied character death

KyuHyun follows JungSu through the white corridors, thinking of how he always dreamt about entering MD companies and now he is finally here working on the top selling project.

“So you’ll be basically occupied on the design of endoskeletons. The mechanics are being improved every five seconds. Efficiency is mandatory”.

KyuHyun nods, ignoring the shiver that runs through his spine when they pass a door labeled “Slaughter”.


KyuHyun has studied juryeoks since middle school and has been working with them for almost a year now, but he’s never seen one quite like him.

Juryeoks are somehow hybrids; human bodies with inner mechanic systems meant to work perfectly, but DongHae is nothing near excellence. He is clumsy-drops things and stumbles into walls, and has trouble thinking, when the highlight of juryeoks is precisely that: they have potentiated their brains and altered their souls, freeing them from emotions considered useless and emphasizing others such as submission.

They are nothing near lifeless or robotic, nor are they as complex as regular humans. Commonly seen as pets, everyone is comfortable with them in their lives just because they once had been human beings.

DongHae particularly was once a rich kid running around carelessly when a greedy MD soul-hunter spotted him and just like that stole him away to become this.

He’s defective, though, because he’s too human to be treated as a prop, so KyuHyun is allowed to keep him as his… companion.

“KyuHyunnie, I want you to love me, okay?” is what he says after a week of silently trailing after him from lab to lab.

It turns out it is not hard.


DongHae and he are working on a new endoskeleton, kind of petite for a juryeok choice.

“He was specially requested” JungSu explains, “by singer YeSung, using his real name. Top secrecy”.

KyuHyun has been working for MD for six years now, and so he’s entitled to work not only on the skeletons, but on souls and the assembling itself. He just never drudges on human bodies per se, because just passing by the slaughter nauseates him.

After seven months of sleep-deprived nights by DongHae’s side, the small and pretty juryeok for the famous singer is done.

And RyeoWook is too damn beautiful, his absolute masterpiece.


Juryeoks aren’t supposed to feel jealousy, but DongHae’s does when KyuHyun keeps RyeoWook a little longer than he should.

He googles ‘how to keep a human’ and what comes up is the only thing he hasn’t think of: sex.

Juryeoks feel pleasure as any human, just not lust as that means weakness which means imperfection.

But then again DongHae is defective so he corners KyuHyun against the wall of an empty corridor, kisses him breathless, sucks him off and swallows every last bit of hot sticky cum until the engineer can finally pull him away and ask with a scrawny smile what the hell that was.


Their relationship grows tighter and further apart after that. KyuHyun does not see him as his cute little pet anymore, but as his kinky sex toy instead.

And now that RyeoWook is starting to function-learning all over since memories are erased at creation, KyuHyun is even more immersed in all the perfection DongHae lacks.

After a two month delay in the shipment because KyuHyun can’t face losing RyeoWook just yet, DongHae’s burning up with rage and his next search is ‘how to destroy juryeoks’.

It isn’t easy-they are made to last, so DongHae targets the most human aspect of them he has at hand: appearance.

The flesh is soft under the butcher’s knife he’s sneaked out from the slaughter as he traces it all over RyeoWook’s body, who’s fully asleep thanks to KyuHyun’s pills (juryeoks don’t need it, but as they do dream, it is a pleasant hobby anyway).


YeSung sues; MD has harmed what he loves the most, but still takes damaged RyeoWook as he is for unknown reasons.

KyuHyun loses his job, and is asked to take DongHae with him; he’d end up in the slaughter for his body to be reused with some better soul with an uglier original body.

DongHae is imperfect and plain stupid, so truth quickly slips away and everything blows up.

It’s KyuHyun himself who ends up sending him back. He can’t forgive DongHae for destroying the only thing he created that was perfect; he deserves this.

“He was too human, anyway. I might as well have gotten a girlfriend”.

Simple as that.


Entry #9 by ava_lava

Title: and they run him in a great big circle of infinity
Pairing(s): Yesung/Kibum
Genre(s): psychological
Inspiration: allusions to Le Petit Prince by Antoine Saint-Exupery
Length: 754 words


(A plane crash-landed in the middle of the desert.)

When Yesung woke up, he was thirsty and alone, surrounded by nothing but dunes and sandbanks. He wiped at his brow, wincing at the sting in his eye as he clambered upright. He inspected himself, taking a modicum of comfort in finding himself mostly unharmed. His airplane was in much worse condition, no longer the beauty it was before.

He commenced doing repairs, particularly the engine which had taken the brunt of the impact. He went about with his tools, just a tweak here, a tweak there, and he would be off and ready to fly back to home base. At least, that was what he tried to convince himself.

Kibum showed up not hours later.

(“Hello, Yesung,” he greeted, dark eyes soft in his gaze, black hair swept back handsomely. “It’s a fine day for a ride in the sky.”

Yesung sprang to his feet, blinked back the bleariness, and stared. A young man, probably no older than twenty, standing in the sand with a sly grin on his face. No sign of perspiration, no sign of dehydration.

“How do you do that?” the pilot croaked, grimacing at how hoarse his voice sounded. His throat was dry; it was hard to speak clearly, if at all.

“Do what?”

“Not die.”

The man chuckled. A low melodic sound. “What kind of question is that? I just live. It’s what you’re supposed to do in life. You’re living, aren’t you?”

Yesung shook his head. “I’m dying.”

“Everything is dying. You start to die the moment you are born. But while you are dying, you are also living.” A bright smile lit up the strange man’s face. “Paradox, isn’t it?”

The pilot smiled despite himself. “How do you know my name?”

“How do you know mine?”

“I don’t-” Yesung cut himself off. He did know.)

Yesung was no longer thirsty, and he knew that Kibum had something to do with it despite the young man never giving him a straight answer. Kibum often spoke in riddles, but the words he offered were not without weight. Within the next few days, he made Yesung question his life, ponder about things he previously would have never given any thought to, create new ideas from strokes of genius. Things that used to be mysteries suddenly became clear as daylight.

(“A circle symbolizes infinity. Everything of infinity derives from a circle. Life is a circle.”

“My life is not infinite,” Yesung pointed out. “One day I will die. Maybe sooner than later if I don’t fix my plane in time.”

“Your life does not end when you die.”

“How do you know?”

“Your life continues without you,” Kibum explained patiently. “In memories, in the work you did in your lifetime, in the love you gave to others.”

Yesung took a bold step towards his companion and pulled him into a kiss. “So is my love for you infinite?” he asked, breathless and flushed as his fingers fumbled southwards. Kibum’s only response was a soft groan.)

Life went on, ironically blissful. Yesung continued to tinker with his broken engine as he listened to Kibum’s mysterious words. They often made love under the desert stars, and watched the stillness of the desert night as the cool wind brushed against their naked bodies. Yesung became optimistic, and talked about bringing Kibum home with him once his engine was fixed, never expecting an answer from his beloved and never granted one. Yesung was too cheerful to care.

One day, a group of travelling merchants came their way. Yesung sprang to his feet and cried out in surprise and joy, but his expression of relief soon melted into one of confusion when the travellers paid him no heed and instead made a beeline towards the fallen aircraft. The corpse of a young man sat in the pilot seat.

(“I’m dead, aren’t I?” Yesung asked although he already knew the answer.

“You didn’t survive the crash.”)

They say that the desert is alive, that it lives forever. They say that those who die can see the desert for what it truly is. But the desert has many forms, many facets, many levels. Its name is different for every person it meets, its purpose different for every situation it faces. Sometimes a flower, sometimes a boy, sometimes a bird, sometimes an old woman. An infinite person, yet only one person.

Paradox, isn’t it?

(A plane crash-landed in the middle of the desert. The pilot died on impact.)


Second place winner:

Entry #8 by goldintheshadow

Title: Devious
Pairing: Donghae/Kyuhyun

Kyuhyun sighed as he dragged the large trash bag toward the back door of the café, still four hours away from the end of his shift. He slammed the back door open bad-temperedly and began dragging the trash into the alley.

A rumbling snarl filled the quiet night.

Kyuhyun froze and looked around, trying to see into the shadows.

But it was only a small dog, lying in the damp dark corner of the alley, watching him. It snarled again, and Kyuhyun realized that it was injured.

He wavered for a moment, and then ducked back inside and grabbed a bowl and a bottle of water. The dog drank as though it hadn’t in days, and Kyuhyun scowled as he realized that that might be true. He ducked back inside and stole an uncooked steak that had fallen on the floor, tossing it close enough that the dog didn’t have to move to eat it.

“Just relax, okay buddy?” he murmured quietly, and the dog’s ears pricked up as he looked up at Kyuhyun. “I’ll take you home after my shift and we’ll fix you up.”

But when he came out after four more grueling hours of heat and aching legs and shouted orders, the dog was gone.


Donghae watched the human with the dark eyes search the small alley, absently tracing his hand over his sore stomach. It would still take his injury several days to heal, if he let it happen naturally. There was no proper food for a kumiho in this stinking cesspool of a city, so if he wanted to heal it faster, he’d have to go elsewhere or call in a favor.

The fox spirit tilted his head and watched the young human trudge down the alley, head low. This strange boy was worth calling in a favor for.


Kyuhyun unlocked the door to his small apartment, eyes half-closed from exhaustion. After an absolutely shitty day at work, that injured dog hadn’t been there when his shift had ended. Kyuhyun found himself worried, wondering if the dog had made it to a safe place to heal or if he’d been picked up by Animal Control.

He almost didn’t notice the man standing in his living room until he reached the kitchen.

With a startled oath, he stumbled back, eyes wide as he took in the figure. The man was tall, with dark hair and light, almost whiskey-colored eyes. Contacts, Kyuhyun assumed. “What-” he swallowed. “What the fuck are you doing in here?”

Donghae tilted his head, letting his eyes roam over the younger man for the first time in good light. He was very good-looking, with his messy curly hair and those big dark eyes. Donghae felt his newly-healed body responding, and he knew exactly how he wanted to handle this.

“I owe you a debt,” he said, and smiled. Kyuhyun’s back hit the wall as he saw the other man’s canines, unnaturally pointed. “I’d like to pay it.”

“W-what?” Kyuhyun shook his head. “I don’t know you, there’s no way you owe me anything. Except a speedy removal of yourself from my apartment.”

“Aw, that’s cruel,” Donghae crooned, walking forward, eyes intent. “Not everyone would have cared for a wounded animal, and you may very well have saved my life. That sort of debt needs repaying.”

Kyuhyun’s mouth gaped, eyes taking in the other man’s appearance with new understanding. “Kumiho,” he gasped.

“Yes,” Donghae purred, pressing himself up against the younger man’s body. “Kumiho.” He tilted his head and kissed Kyuhyun hard.

Kyuhyun’s tired mind was swimming. Apparently what he’d thought was a dog was actually a fox spirit. And now he wanted to repay him? How?

Oh, his mind finally caught up as the man’s hands pulled Kyuhyun’s uniform shirt out of his pants and slid up his torso. That’s how.

He submitted, kissing back and tangling his hands into the man’s-spirit’s-dark hair. To his tired, overworked mind, if the kumiho wanted to pay him back with mind-blowing sex, it sounded like a good idea to him.

Donghae picked up the slightly smaller man easily, settling his legs around his hips and sighing as his erection was pressed against the crease of the man’s round ass. He walked them to the bedroom and let him fall to the mattress, stretching out on top of him.
“Let me repay you,” he breathed, whiskey eyes full of promise.


When Kyuhyun woke up the next morning, deliciously strained and sore, the kumiho was gone.


Points for this round:

teamkangwook earned 7.5 points this round, bringing their total up to 72

teameunhae earned 11.5 points this round, bringing their total up to 84

congrats to everyone and I'm terribly sorry this is late once again :<

mods, challenge 5, results

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