NC, Some christian discussion, and a quick catch up

May 22, 2011 15:24

So we're here in NC. We both have jobs. Mike works at Books A Million and I work at a place called Finder's Keepers. It took me a little while longer to find a job then Mike but was well worth the wait. Its a small thrift store run by the women's crisis center here, so its for a good cause. I usually work 10am-6pm. The job description said part time but honestly the boss said I'd probably be working 35-40 hours a week. I've met two ppl at work who I hope to become good friends with as they are awesome. One is Carolanne and the other is a girl named Raven. They rock.  For the last few weeks here we have had nice weather, in the mid 70s. Today its 90. lol. Raven is from this area and said that its nothing compared to what it will be in july.
Got my cell back up so for any of you who dont have the number or replaced it with Mike's number its 810 288 7398. It probably wont ever go down again for at least another 6 months. I will be hooking it up to my higherOne (debit) as soon as I know for sure my direct deposit from work is running smoothly. This month I have 1000 texts, 1000 minutes, and 35 mgb of net. after this month I will be using the next step up for unlimited everything.
College is going ok. Last couple of days its been wake up at 7:30, go to work, come home, eat, study, go to bed. lol. But I am sure once I get use to it I can find more free time/fun time/friend and family time.
Mike and I had a wonderful discussion on the term 'salvation' today, as well as the phrase 'sinful nature'.
Basically, before the discussion, I didnt like either. I found them overused, misused, and generally did not agree with the context in which some christians use them. Therefore I would not use them when (and if) I talked to others, especially non Christians. At least not in the first few discussions. I find that because of their widespread misuse people are more familar with the wrong definition then the right one. Mike and I discussed what those terms really mean and we also discussed why some misuse them. I was really happy we could have a good discussion, as thats been difficult lately.
I dont know what days I have off this week but I am hopeing that I can possibly hang out with some of the people I've been talking to here in the last week (some from work and some from FL).
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