Earth Hour - On the bright side

Oct 23, 2008 15:49

Originally published at Sjors Provoost. Please leave any comments there.

Those following me on Twitter may have noticed that I am a little bit skeptic about Earth Hour - an initiative that asks everyone to turn off their lights for one hour to raise awareness about global warming.

It is a great thing when the whole world joins together for one hour to think about something important. I love that about Earth Hour. But why just climate change? There are so many other problems in the world.

Imagine having the worlds attention for one hour - something nobody has ever achieved - what would you say? What would you want 6.7 billion people to think about?

So here is my challenge for anyone who cares about the world, has a camera and some free time:

Send me a one hour video with your top 10 best ways to help the world!

There are just a few simple rules:
  1. A top 10 of of best ways to help the world
  2. 60 minutes
  3. Explain the problem
  4. Explain how it can be solved on a global scale
  5. Provide a simple first step for individuals to contribute or learn more
  6. No lies: be prepared for some serious fact-checking by the community
  7. No divine intervention: it’s just us this time

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livejournal, earth hour, campaign

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