Koy4925 (23:18:34): Thanks Thomas for getting the votes to be screened
Thomasmountain99 (23:18:46): hi
Thomasmountain99 (23:18:49): ?
Thomasmountain99 (23:19:17): I have been banned from br rp for a long time
Koy4925 (23:19:34): Ah, why?
Thomasmountain99 (23:20:03): they disliked my votes. I didn't write a whole page per vote
Thomasmountain99 (23:20:24): how is Mizhuo doing, I wonder?
Koy4925 (23:21:07): Haven't you been reading the latest canon version?
Thomasmountain99 (23:21:40): no, as I was banned from taking part there seemed little reason to
Koy4925 (23:21:55): Oh. I see.
Koy4925 (23:22:07): By the way, it's spelled Mizuho, not Mizhuo.
Koy4925 (23:22:09): (:
Thomasmountain99 (23:22:13): ok
Koy4925 (23:22:27): She's killed one person so far
Thomasmountain99 (23:22:36): who?
Koy4925 (23:22:43): Yoshio Akamatsu
Koy4925 (23:23:11): But my character is going to gut Mizuho like a fish and then paint the walls of the farmhouse with her blood.
Thomasmountain99 (23:23:45): my stories, BR and otherwise, are in stasis due to real life, writer's block and some lazyness.Who is your character?
Koy4925 (23:24:03): Hirono Shimizu
Thomasmountain99 (23:24:43): poor Mizhuo *thinks Mizuho is is so cute*
Thomasmountain99 (23:25:08): in rl I am doing well with my gf btw, I met her offline
Koy4925 (23:26:20): Oh that's a step forward, I suppose it's kind of necessary for you to actually meet who you are in a relationship with.
Koy4925 (23:26:36): Mizuho is straight this version. :O
Thomasmountain99 (23:26:55): Does she have a crush on anyone? lol
Koy4925 (23:27:12): Mimura
Thomasmountain99 (23:27:26): like nearly all the girls lol
Thomasmountain99 (23:27:45): How crazy is she in this version?
Koy4925 (23:27:59): I suppose she is fairly insane
Koy4925 (23:28:08): Why don't you ask to join the comm again? Rob's online
Thomasmountain99 (23:29:49): because I don't think they would want me, even if I got someone else to vote for me. You can ask Rob for me if you want. He does not show up on my AOL IM, I purged 90% of it's membership because of trust issues
Koy4925 (23:30:24): Oh well, I'm sure they'll forgive you soon.
Thomasmountain99 (23:32:28): if they do let me back, 1-I am never doing BR2 again, too hard and no legitimate reasons for voting, 2-I am never having anything to do with Shaun as he tricked me twice, the 2nd time getting me banned, 3-I want someone else to vote for me
Thomasmountain99 (23:33:15): you are one of 8 on my list, it used to have 40 on it
Koy4925 (23:34:08): ..I'm on your list?
Thomasmountain99 (23:34:27): you added yourself when you IMed me
Koy4925 (23:34:55): ..I'm confused
Thomasmountain99 (23:35:48): the purged ones were not banned, just deleted from my AOL list, over time I forgot most of their names
Koy4925 (23:36:23): Well there's Sophie, Laura 1, Laura 2, Laura 3, Rob, Shaun, Josh, Lucy, Zarrah, Gabby etc
Koy4925 (23:36:40): How did Shaun trick you into getting banned?
Thomasmountain99 (23:37:07): he got me involved in BR2 when I didn't want to be
Thomasmountain99 (23:37:27): He hassled me online until I aggreed to join
Koy4925 (23:37:49): Well, at the end of the day, it was always YOUR choice to join. Just because someone hassles you does not mean you have to give in#
Thomasmountain99 (23:38:15): I didn't find it fun and waited to be asked why I joined, but noone asked
Koy4925 (23:38:47): BR2 is much more fun than BR1 as you can be any character you want to be
Thomasmountain99 (23:39:21): BR2 has no legal things I can think of to justify voting
Thomasmountain99 (23:41:15): BR1 I can vote on how true a carecter is portrayed
Thomasmountain99 (23:41:53): I have precedent set from on high, the book, film or mangas
Koy4925 (23:42:01): True characters are made in BR2, believe me
Koy4925 (23:42:12): characters far more complex and interesting than BR1
Thomasmountain99 (23:42:42): without precedent set before me, I have no reasons acceptable to the mods to vote at all
Koy4925 (23:44:09): I don't understand
Thomasmountain99 (23:45:12): I only vote for three reasons and two of those are frowned upon, the third is tradition, how faithful and by the book a carecter is
Koy4925 (23:46:34): Well, if you followed the characters in the vote, you would be able to tell if their actions are out of character. Therefore, the third reason of Tradition can be successfully done in a BR2, and has been done for four rounds now.
Thomasmountain99 (23:47:27): I have no real interest in BR2 and never really have done, I wanted to stay out of it alltogether
Koy4925 (23:48:04): It's so much more fun if you give it a try
Koy4925 (23:48:13): A whole new set of DIFFERENT characters
Thomasmountain99 (23:48:30): I did, and got hit with a Banhammer for my pains
Koy4925 (23:48:36): Wheras ALL the characters in BR1, except for Mitsuko, Shogo and Shuuya are all one dimensional
Thomasmountain99 (23:49:01): which makes it easy to vote
Thomasmountain99 (23:49:54): three dimensional carecters under the rules are a bitch when it comes to voting fairly and requires time I don't have
Koy4925 (23:50:12): Well then, you have just killed your own argument.
Thomasmountain99 (23:50:38): I would have to spend an hour reading everything and printing it out
Thomasmountain99 (23:51:07): going back to the earliest times instead of enjoying myself
Koy4925 (23:51:21): All you would need to do is read the posts of the people in the vote
Koy4925 (23:51:33): And all you have to do is click on the tags,, it would take 10 minutes lol
Thomasmountain99 (23:51:48): I do have rl you know
Koy4925 (23:51:58): Really?
Thomasmountain99 (23:52:28): yes, I have my gf to talk to, TV to watch, ect
Thomasmountain99 (23:53:31): if they want me back, fine, but I can't ask them as they are not in my list, one of them will have to contact me
Koy4925 (23:54:28): So, are you in love with your gf?
Thomasmountain99 (23:54:45): Yes
Thomasmountain99 (23:55:27): in BR terms she's a bit of a Satomi/Yuka type
Koy4925 (23:55:49): Oh, interesting
Koy4925 (23:55:57): What are you in BR terms?
Thomasmountain99 (23:56:26): one part Mizhuo, one part Yamanoto, and one part Toshinori
Thomasmountain99 (23:56:40): Yamamoto (damm typos)
Koy4925 (23:56:48): Toshinori is an evil snob
Koy4925 (23:56:51): Are you an evil snob?
Thomasmountain99 (23:57:56): a bit, although more on a country level then a people level. I have grown that way after years of waiting for a non spammer to offer me a job
Koy4925 (23:58:16): You don't have a job?
Thomasmountain99 (23:58:21): no
Thomasmountain99 (23:58:32): only scammers offer me anything
Thomasmountain99 (23:58:56): I can't force anyone to want me so I wait
Koy4925 (23:59:08): Why don't you go to the Job centre
Koy4925 (23:59:14): Or hand CV'S to places
Thomasmountain99 (23:59:39): I know what I want, I also know that they would not want me
Koy4925 (00:00:26): Well, you don't KNOW that if you've never asked
Koy4925 (00:00:30): What job do you want?
Thomasmountain99 (00:02:38): to be a published writer. Or to be a member of the US Customs. the 2nd would never want me, and the 1st will never grow beyond the fanfic/warped story/strolen.com article level
Koy4925 (00:03:21): Well, being a published writer is something only the extremely talented and lucky get to do.
Koy4925 (00:03:30): You need a job to SURVIVE
Thomasmountain99 (00:04:08): I am not that good, I am not the lowest of the low, but I am not publishable. I live with my parents.
Koy4925 (00:04:26): Why do you live with your parents?
Koy4925 (00:04:36): How old are you?
Thomasmountain99 (00:04:42): various reasons.
Thomasmountain99 (00:04:51): 30 (my age)
Thomasmountain99 (00:05:50): I like living with them, have no independent money source, and they do wash my hair
Koy4925 (00:08:27): Why do they wash your hair?
Thomasmountain99 (00:08:53): I can't wash my own, too disgusting
Koy4925 (00:09:14): Disgusting? What's disgusting about it, it's a natural thing. Do you have lice?
Thomasmountain99 (00:09:24): no
Thomasmountain99 (00:09:49): the shampoo feels disgusting
Koy4925 (00:10:07): I don't think it does
Thomasmountain99 (00:10:19): I do
Koy4925 (00:10:22): Why?
Thomasmountain99 (00:10:41): yucky
Koy4925 (00:11:23): That's odd of you Thomas
Thomasmountain99 (00:11:46): it has allways been that way
Koy4925 (00:12:00): So they wash it for you every night?
Thomasmountain99 (00:12:11): once a week
Koy4925 (00:15:03): Oh. I wash mine every day.
Thomasmountain99 (00:16:04): at the moment the only BR things I have are a sort of BR rp thing and the start of a Mizhuo/Shiori thing
Koy4925 (00:16:31): ...Mizuho/Shiori?
Koy4925 (00:16:35): Whose Shiori?
Thomasmountain99 (00:16:49): the daughter of Kitano
Koy4925 (00:16:54): Ah.
Koy4925 (00:17:08): So, would you marry Mizuho?
Thomasmountain99 (00:18:00): if 1-she was the right age, 2-I was single instead of taken, and 3-she loved me, yes
Koy4925 (00:18:06): So about the hair thing, do your parents stay in the room while you bathe/shower
Koy4925 (00:18:11): Ahh, interesting
Thomasmountain99 (00:19:05): one of them washes my hair. And Mizuho would make such a good girlfriend.
Koy4925 (00:19:22): You spelt Mizuho correctly!
Thomasmountain99 (00:19:31): yes
Koy4925 (00:19:49): Which one washes your hair? Are you clothed when they do it?
Thomasmountain99 (00:20:20): my dad, and I am half clothed
Koy4925 (00:20:27): Ahh.
Thomasmountain99 (00:21:10): *wants to write a Mizuho story that I have not done before*
Koy4925 (00:21:25): I'm surprised you still have ideas, you write loads, don't you?
Thomasmountain99 (00:21:45): less in recent months
Thomasmountain99 (00:22:17): *imagines if Mizuho won a BR*
Koy4925 (00:22:40): Yes that would be amazing wouldn't it
Thomasmountain99 (00:23:11): except she would most likely rot in a loony bin for the rest of her days
Koy4925 (00:24:10): Sometimes I think I am on missions from the Goddess of Light
Koy4925 (00:24:16): Just like Mizuho
Thomasmountain99 (00:24:34): a male Mizuho (smiles)
Koy4925 (00:24:48): I think I am, in a way
Thomasmountain99 (00:25:53): I have my imaginary worlds too, if I was in a BR, I would let them take over until I either died, escaped, or won the BR
Koy4925 (00:26:35): I wound find my Princess and tie her up and enjoy my last few days of life. Then die a grisly death.
Thomasmountain99 (00:27:09): with her when your collar explodes?
Koy4925 (00:27:35): No, I would kill her. Then let my collar explode.
Thomasmountain99 (00:27:54): why kill her?
Koy4925 (00:28:21): So she does not meet the fate of the collars, of course! We don't want the Goddess of Light finding out
Thomasmountain99 (00:29:18): If my princess were in a BR with me I would look for her whilst whacking others who I came across
Thomasmountain99 (00:29:37): if we were the last two I'd ask her what she wanted
Koy4925 (00:30:33): You're so brave, Thomas
Koy4925 (00:30:40): I bet you have lots of rl friends
Thomasmountain99 (00:31:29): online, yes, to a point. Sara is a rl friend but lives in Italy, I've met her a few times
Koy4925 (00:31:48): What do you do when you meet?
Thomasmountain99 (00:32:10): chat with her, that sort of thing
Koy4925 (00:32:41): Oh. Where?
Koy4925 (00:32:45): What about?
Thomasmountain99 (00:33:12): various things, it's been a while
Koy4925 (00:33:30): What's your favourite thing to talk about?
Thomasmountain99 (00:33:53): with Sara? how she is doing
Koy4925 (00:34:02): Oh.
Thomasmountain99 (00:34:43): with my gf, when we will meet
Koy4925 (00:35:13): What's your gf's name?
Thomasmountain99 (00:35:23): Tina
Koy4925 (00:35:33): Oh. Have you fucked her yet?
Thomasmountain99 (00:36:00): I call it making love. And yes
Koy4925 (00:36:28): Oh really? You dark horse Thomas
Thomasmountain99 (00:37:08): She really enjoyed it
Koy4925 (00:37:52): Do you cum in her mouth?
Thomasmountain99 (00:37:59): no
Koy4925 (00:39:57): Oh, that's where the Goddess of Light told me to put it
Thomasmountain99 (00:40:13): ok
Thomasmountain99 (00:40:36): bb in a min, ok? I need to check something downstairs
Koy4925 (00:40:51): OKAY THOMAS!
Thomasmountain99 went away at 00:40:58.
Thomasmountain99 (00:47:36): back
Thomasmountain99 returned at 00:47:36.
Koy4925 (00:47:42): Hello
Thomasmountain99 (00:48:38): one day I'll think of a new Mizuho story
Koy4925 (00:49:10): I'm sure you will
Thomasmountain99 (00:49:43): in 10 mins I think I'll phone my gf
Thomasmountain99 (00:50:07): ask Rob for me about the BR thing, I can't contact him
Koy4925 (00:50:14): Maybe you should move in with her?
Koy4925 (00:50:40): Oh I'm sorry, his fingers are unavaliable right now so he isn't online
Thomasmountain99 (00:50:52): In November I am moving in for a month
Koy4925 (00:51:13): Why just a month?
Thomasmountain99 (00:51:13): ok, ask him when or if he shows up, no hurry
Koy4925 (00:51:16): And why in November?
Thomasmountain99 (00:51:32): to test things as they really are
Koy4925 (00:51:44): I seeee.
Thomasmountain99 (00:51:55): and November we decided would be a good time
Koy4925 (00:52:07): there's no time like the present
Thomasmountain99 (00:52:41): it costs a lot to go to the USA
Koy4925 (00:52:51): Oh does she live in America?
Thomasmountain99 (00:53:29): Yes
Thomasmountain99 (00:53:32): Ohio
Koy4925 (00:53:39): Oh.
Koy4925 (00:53:46): Is she fat?
Thomasmountain99 (00:53:59): plump, yes, fat, no
Koy4925 (00:54:06): Oh.
Thomasmountain99 (00:55:56): *imagines a Mizhuo who stayed sane for much of the BR*
Koy4925 (00:56:28): ...
Koy4925 (00:56:44): Mizuho is a whore in version 8
Thomasmountain99 (00:56:59): why?
Koy4925 (00:57:14): Because the Goddess of Light told her to be
Thomasmountain99 (00:57:36): give me the link
Koy4925 (00:57:55): I can't.
Koy4925 (00:58:06): You are forbidden to read the sacred transcripts of BR1
Thomasmountain99 (00:58:21): ok
Thomasmountain99 (00:59:46): my gf is online btw
Koy4925 (00:59:59): Tell her I said Hello
Thomasmountain99 signed off at 01:00:09.
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