Jul 24, 2024 05:16
“I don’t forget things.”
“No, I mean that I do not forget things - not ever. Every moment, every word, every sight, sound, etc. from sometime when I was two until this moment is all rattling around in my head every moment of every day. I never forget anything. I can’t even get away from it in my sleep. Other people dream - I just keep reliving more of my memories. So, yes, I can give you the information you need, but no, I am not going to do it out of the goodness of my heart. Because this gift comes at a pretty high cost and I fully intend to be reimbursed enough to buy the trappings to make it at least somewhat comfortable. Are we on the same page now? Good. Let’s talk numbers. I want it in the six figures, and I want it within the hour. Make me wait longer than that and I will go peddle my trade with someone more inclined to dealing.”