I guess it's high time I wrote in this thing...

May 10, 2005 22:15

It's 10.16pm right now, and it is soooo hot in this room.  I don't understand why--my clothes are too warm for me!  Or maybe it's just because...

...I'm.  Too sexy for my shirt.  too sexy for my shirt, too sexy.  yeah.

Today, at Woodward elementary, my service learning if you aren't sure what that is, the kids were really cool.  It was probably the first day ever I was reluctant to leave them.  They were just very loving, and this boy Jay and 2 of his friends did this really cute song, and performed it for me (after rehersal of course--they only did one!  wow!) , this one girl with whom i've never spoken before wants me to be her mentor, and my regular cooking club kids were obediant and willing to do stuff!  Very nice change of pace...

Wow, I have a hard time tolerating improper spelling on public "documents" such as AOL profiles, away messeges, etc.  Get a dictionary for crying out loud, or just read more.  Sometimes, practice really DOES make perfect.

Psych homework for tonight?  No, I really don't feel like doing it.  Tuesdays suck the life out of me and spit it back out in the form of Suzy at the end of the day.

My overall mood isn't actually grateful, it was just what felt appropriate at the time of browsing the list.  I am very greatful that I have incredible friends that I know I can turn to.  And now I have changed it to predatory, because sometimes that's necessary.

I think i've decided my 20 year plan (haha) and I believe that it is going to start out with a double major in Political Science and International and Area Studies, with a minor in German.  But stinky German really screws with my schedule to get the classes that I need.  It's at the exact time that more than one required class I need is, and during multiple quarters!  We'll have to see how that pans out...I'll let you know if you care to hear.

Sometimes I just wish boys would get a clue.  Seriously.  Can't they differentiate certain emotions from others?  I mean, come on.

You know, I was reading these Xanga's from people who are in high school, and I realized how ridiculous that place is.  I don't think it's possible to even pretend to have more drama than they create.  That's another thing I'll add to my list of things I'm greatful for-I didn't feel the need to create problems for myself with my friends.  Why does one do that to their friends?  Like, aren't you supposed to love them and enjoy their company?  That's why you choose them as your friends, isn't it?

My passion for finding good quotes was recently ignited during my absence from my livejournal.  I love them.  They make me feel so useful, and as if I am enriching my life.  I would like to be able to quote people off the top of my head as I grow older.  That's one of my goals in my 20 year plan, along with learning the Greek alphabet (Alpha + Beta = alphabet).  I wanted to leave all of you loyal readers with a quote, but I can't choose just one.  So I will quote a friend of mine named Nathan Dedinsky that should be used in times that you need inspriation:

"Sometimes you have to ride the storm to catch the big fish."

And remember: "Rivers know this: There is no hurry. We shall get there some day."--Pooh's little Instruction Book--this is how I justify many things.

Once again, I apoligize for the temporary hiatus earlier...but I can't guarantee it won't happen again.

Thank you.

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