
Dec 22, 2008 20:18

SOB my results are really lame and boring!
do it too and i bet youd get more interesting results sighhh
actually the  second definitions were usually the funnier ones :( :( but i couldnt put that sigh

MEME from kea

Go to and type in your answer to each question in the search box, then write the FIRST definition it gives you.

1.) Your Name: Lei

a clothing line, standing for Life Energy Intelligence,
often worn by women named lei, leigh, leichelle, leia... etc
usually real hotties

2.) Your Age: 17
The right age to start having sex, according to Chef on South Park

3.) One of your friends: Mel
a cool tomboy girl, usually short for Melissa or Melony. she likes to hang with the boys and often doesn't have many girl-friends. hot.

girl-nextdoor type that anyone would like to spend their life with.

4.) What you should be doing?: Drawing

Drawing is a form of visual expression and is one of the major forms within the visual arts. There are a number of subcategories of drawing, including cartooning, and certain drawing methods or approaches, such as "doodling," may or may not be considered as part of "drawing" as a "fine art."
The word 'drawing' is used as both a verb and a noun:

* Drawing (verb) is the act of making marks on a surface so as to create an image, form or shape.
* The produced image is also called a drawing (noun). A quick, unrefined drawing may be defined as a sketch.
1. The drawings of Leonardo Da Vinci are amazing.
2. He was drawing a bridge.

5.) Your favorite color: Black

1.Darkness, a dark colour, the colour of this text is black.

2.A race - The black race can range from African american to polynesian.
1. I own a black car.

2. A black person stole my car.
6.) Your birthplace: hospital
A place where medical facilities exist, that caters fro the wounded. Staffed by doctors and nurses, as well as specialist doctors.

7.) Last person you talked to: Sister
your sister is the girl that will always be there for you and may save you one day, wether you know it or not. your sister may or may not be related to you and could just be an amazing friend, but either way your sister is always slow to judge and quick to forgive. she will always love you, she might just hide it from you.

8.) Last thing you had to drink: mango juice
mango juice isn't defined yet.

9.) Your nickname: plane
Accourding to Samuel L. Jackson, ABSOLUTELY the worst place to have unaccounted-for snakes.
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