If you write out my life on post it notes, you can make some pretty pictures

Jul 23, 2008 02:42

I realized that the last time I posted, I was sitting in my dorm room and looking in the face of finals. I didn't realize how much has happened since then until I stopped to think about it. And now that I have, it's pretty overwhelming.

- I'm moving out. Lind's and I found a place a while back now and we just finished signing the lease and putting our down payment, well, down. It's in Attleboro, not too far from anything and right off the commuter rail to Providence. I am exciting, though I have never had to put everything I own in boxes and prepare to move into a new house. By myself. It's a bit overwhelming now that the moving date is approaching. I get my keys this weekend and slowly but surely, I'll be moved in by the night of August 1st.

- I went to California; to LA and to San Fransisco.
- I fell in love with the west coast.
- I bought cupcakes with the woman who played the wife on Seventh Heaven.
- I went to two amazing parties, stayed on Venice Beach, and had a fantastic time.
- I got hit on by the photographer of Victoria Secret.

- I went to New York and saw Meg, Anwen, and Crystal. I can't begin to express how much I needed to see them, and even though it wasn't the smartest decision and it was done on a huge time crunch, I am so glad I went.
- We went to Coney Island and caught a freak show and ate good corn dogs.
- We got yelled at by the waiter for not tipping him enough.
- I walked through Harlem at night time and feared for my life. Just a little.

- I went to Michigan. Lind's, Jack, and I had a great time.
- We partied with Drew Barrymore at a club. She through someone out.
- I adopted a kitten. His name is Benjamin.
- We ate too much good food.
- I got mad bling.
- So much Art Fair, so little time.

- I'm getting a new car. I've been doing research and watching the road for cars and I've test drive any small car that gets good gas mileage under the sun. I've finally picked one out, and now I'm working on settling some money down before the weekend comes to a close. It makes me happy and I think I'll just live in it for a while.

- I've applied and interviewed for the Penguin Man position at the New England Aquarium. That's right, I just may be living up to my claims that someday I shall work with the penguins in a wet suit. I'm waiting to see if I make it past the first round of interviews to round 2, which is another interview with the head of a specific department. I don't know how it went; there were generic questions and it was all very overwhelming.

After not being able to stay in the state for the past few weeks, it was nice to settle down to some packing and laundry and Jess coming over and seeing Leesha tomorrow.

Oh, and I'm excited for the Olympics. Even if it's making me feel fatter and lazier then ever. In a bad way.
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