Sep 22, 2007 21:54
I'm going to need another getaway to get away from this one.
I left work early on Friday so I could drive down to Solvang for a relaxing, quiet weekend away full of good food and quality time with the parental units. That all changed for the worst when we arrived in San Luis Obispo for dinner. To make a long story short, one of my mom's health conditions acted up and we didnt bring enough of the medication to control it because we were not expecting her to ever get that bad. I ended up driving all over Solvang, Buelton, Santa Maria all night long. I was looking for a solution to keep from having to hospitalize her because he was really against it. But there were none and we couldnt get a hold of any doctors. The hospital she had most of her treatments at, was NO help. We ended having to call 911 dispite her wishes. If I was able to get a hold of enough meds, we could've got everything under control. But that was just not happening. The medics decided to take her to the Santa Barbara hospital which is 40 miles south of Solvang. I had to drive that 40 miles to SB after already driving down that afternoon, I had put another 150 miles on my car trying to find a solution and anything that was open that may or could help w/o admitting her to a hospital. I was so stressed out last night I thought my head was going to explode.
I have literally slept 1 hour in the past 40 hours. I'm so exhausted I think I can sleep standing up. I will not be back to San Jose until... I dont know when.
I'm ever so grateful to Greg the fire fighter that was first to respond. He was most kind, patient and sweet. He took care of my mom as if she was his; to the young paramedic, Mr. Barajas, for being so nice and taking good care of my mom on the way to SB hospital; to the kinda and talented ER nurse who was amazing with her blood drawing and IV starting skills. Most cant find my mom's veins; to Joshua the Pharmacist at the only 24 hour Walgreens in a 30 miles radius who tried to comfort me. (on a side note, he had the most beautiful hazel eyes I have ever seen).
I'm ready to pass out now. Bye until... I dont know when.
p.s. Please pardon the typos and holes in the story.