Nov 10, 2010 16:20

SJ Fanfiction Challenge Community is recruiting for new LJ Mod + Twitter acc. Admin.

We need at least 2 people for each position. One person may apply for both positions.

General Requirement
  1. ELF, love Super Junior and all of the 15 members, no Only13 stuffs.
  2. Have good internet connection
  3. Familiar with LJ / Twitter
  4. Fluent in English
  5. (OPTIONAL) Knows / can translate : Korean / Chinese
  6. Polite & respectful to others

Livejournal Community Moderator

  1. Have an active Livejournal account and familiar with Livejournal Community settings
  2. Is 17 years old or above as per 1 November 2010. This is due to there will be many of fanfictions have NC-17 rating.
  3. Have available time every month to post + monitor the fanfiction challenge
  4. Creative and have plenty of fanfiction prompts ideas
  5. Doesn’t necessarily a fanfiction author, but have experience reading / evaluating fanfiction

Job description:
  1. Inviting new member to the community
  2. Creating fanfiction challenge prompts 1st week of every months and post the details to LJ comm
  3. Moderating fanfic entries, checking whether it has followed the rules
  4. Posting the Fanfic Voting and check eligibility of the voters
  5. Posting winner announcement
  6. (OPTIONAL) Have photoshop (or something alike) and can make GIF avatar + LJ banner for the winner(s)

Twitter Admin

  1. Have a twitter account and familiar with “Fanbase account”
  2. Is available to be online every day
  3. Have access to updated Super Junior news/info.
  4. (OPTIONAL) Have photoshop (or something alike) and can make macros or any SJ edited pictures

Job description:
  1. Gaining new followers
  2. Tweeting any Super Junior related news, photos, any random stuffs, play games with followers
  3. Tweeting our fanfiction challenge activities

Please fill below details and send to our email:

All information sent will be confidential.

Real Name :

Email :

Birthday (DD/MM/YYYY) :

Country :

Language(s) :

LJ account :

Twitter account :

Anything else you want to add :

Any question, please comment below or tweet us @sjfic_challenge or via email.

Thank you very kamsa! ^^~

recruitment, mod post

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