Title: Three Stories
Author: Christi (daisycm83@gmail.com)
Rating: Somewhere in that land of fuzzy smut between R and NC-17.
Category: Sam/Jack flungst.
Timeline: Sometime vaguely after Moebius, Beneath the Surface, and strangely enough, Wormhole X-treme!
Summary: It’s sort of choose your own adventure, OTP style. But there’s no adventure. Just OTP. And sex.
Author’s Note: I recently realized that somehow, I hadn’t written anything remotely substantial that resembled Sam/Jack since July. JULY 2006. Because obviously, this state of things could not be allowed to continue, I quickly sat down and wrote this. Also managed to use a
sjfanfic10 prompt - Three Stories. As always, thanks to
thekatebeyond for the beta.
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