May 01, 2007 20:56
First of all, I'd like to start by wishing Jeanine a Happy Birthday!!!
and... good news, I got the camp counselor position for this summer!! I'm still waiting to hear back from Glen Mills Schools but things are looking good as of right now!
Finals week go as follows:
* Tuesday (tonight) - finish my research paper to be edited tomorrow.
* Wednesday - meeting w/ Dr. Stockeig about my research paper at 4pm. THEN taking my Health & Wellness final at 725pm
* Thursday - write my picture perception paper (3-5pgs), edit my research paper and study for my research exam
* Friday - hand in my perception paper & research paper then take my LAST EXAM at 1230pm.
THEN...Friday night, I'm hitting up the bar!!!
**plus somewhere in all the chaos, I gotta make a quilt for Saturday!**
Saturday - I got a baby shower and wedding shower
--> the fallowing week will be work and prep for graduation!!!
THEN it's Mother's Day weekend and THEN I go to FLORIDA to see Jeanine!!!
(haha, this entrie starts and ends w/ Jeanine!)