Jun 20, 2005 19:18
I had a headache yesterday that grew into a migraine by bedtime. It was by far the worst migraine I have ever had. After dinner, I was nursing/vegging out in front of the TV with Andrew in my arms. Pretty much felt like a truck ran over my head. I stumbled outside to let Jeff know I was going to bed with a migraine. After about a half hour in bed, without sleeping because of the intense pain, I threw up. If you have ever had a migraine and you had to throw up, you know how incredibly painful it is to do this. It seriously feels like someone is shoving bullets into your skull and then when you are actually puking, it is as if they are shooting off inside of you. Then when you are done, your head is throbbing so bad you can't see straight. You can't speak. It is HORRIBLE.
After a new dose of tylenol and ibuprofin (I'm shooting myself for not taking the Darveset that I have...duh!!!) I laid in bed with a cold washcloth on my head. I told Jeff, "If I'm not asleep or much better in a half hour, we're going to the ER." I heard that there is a shot you can get to take the pain away. It would have been worth the $100 copay.
Today I feel like I have a hangover. Like there is this migraine residue inside my head. All I know is, I never want to experience that again.
Alice had her first migraine back when she was pretty young, like 14. I remember not believing her (I often didn't). We were at my grandparent's house, watching TV back in the bedroom. She kept complaining about her head hurting and all she wanted was for us to turn the TV and lights off. We didn't. And then she puked. Mom came in the room as she was puking over the side of the bed and said, "Alice! What are you doing!!!???" to which Alice replies, "I'm splitting atoms, Mom!!" and we all died laughing. Then we left her alone, in the dark and quiet room.